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Georgemalik: комментарии

Дата регистрации 3 июня 2010
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Hi everybody, George here. When I made the comment about Maltby I was going with the information I had at the time. Since our interview, obviously, Maltby stated that he might be willing to play somewhere else...and about Viktor Fedorov, he really does have an awful reputation in Detroit. Those who come across him describe him as a sourpuss of the first order, and those who have worked with him at youth hockey camps say that he’s just terribly critical of young players, uses curse words and generally comes off as a serious ass.
His buddy-buddy status with Igor Larin isn’t well-known, but it’s hard to take him seriously when he talks about anti-European biases given that the Red Wings’ captain is Swedish, one of its assistant captains is Swedish, and Datsyuk wears the «A» as an assistant captain for a reason, and in terms of fan support, these days you see more Zetterberg and Datsyuk jerseys in the crowd at Joe Louis Arena than anyone else’s jerseys.