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jakovzg: комментарии

Дата регистрации 13 августа 2013
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we are sure in good shape but its long road to playoffs. im still with both feet firmly on the ground

i hate google translate :D

i guess we cant escape our football tradition :)..but it gets very loud in the den and seems it puts pressure on visitors so i say keep it loud no matter what :D

| К записи в блоге Zagreb Bears

im talkin about borat comment by "zg fan"

| К записи в блоге Zagreb Bears

i think Sandro should avoid citing comments like that. no true hockey fan (or true human if you want) can write crap like that..but i am sure in every country you get stupid comments like that on forums

there is no permanent ice. all the equipment last few years was coming from italy for the games played in arena zagreb. so we had only few games because it costs a lot of money. hopefuly city of zagreb will invest money for permanent ice. but honestly i dont think we would have full arena every game of the season.

| К записи в блоге Zagreb Bears

I’m glad Salak was nervous throughout the game it helped us quite a bit (seems that he was only goaltender this season in dom sportova to have problems with goal moving to easily). And Vesce move in shootout made my day. Last 3 games 4 points hope we continue to build our game in next 5 home matches.

| К записи в блоге Zagreb Bears

what a game yesterday! one more proof that hockey is the best sport in the world. Most important loosing streak is over hopefuly we can build on success against SKA and collect decent amount of points next 5 games at home.

| К записи в блоге Zagreb Bears

thanks. well we cant expect to get many points from top teams. we must play hard with bottom of the table (and we didnt play well against slovan for example). tommorow is much more important game for us than against SKA. good luck this season.