Мэр Лондона отозвал предложение бесплатно разместить делегацию ФИФА во время ОИ-2012

Мэр Лондона Борис Джонсон отозвал свое предложение бесплатно разместить делегацию ФИФА во время Олимпиады-2012.

Ранее Джонсон предлагал делегации ФИФА во главе с Блаттером бесплатно остановиться на время в Олимпиады в отеле Dorchester.

Но после решения ФИФА отдать проведение ЧМ-2018 России Джонсон отменил свою инициативу.

Номера для ВИП-персон отданы в распоряжении оргкомитету Олимпиады, сообщает ВВС.

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Ответ RussianKiwi
да он об этом не знает:) и по русски не понимает и на спортс.ру не обитает. у него сейчас другая проблема - он реально убит горем по поводу английской заявки и до сих пор занимается нытьем
а вы ему ответьте, что быть совершенным совершенно не означает быть совершенным победителем)

почему он решил, что у них была лучшая заявка. кандидатов было 4. и у каждого своя правда. а у фифа - своя, пятая. и они исходили из своей.
пусть учатся уважать хозяина дома и вечеринки, на которую приперлись, и уметь просить (лоббировать), а не требовать якобы принадлежащее им.
до чего же мелочные англичашки омг
Ответ заблокированному пользователю
ни одна война в мире (более менее крупная) без них не обошлась: везде выступали поджигателями. Нападение Гитлера на СССР-не исключение
учи мат часть, Британия одна воевала с марта 1940года по июнь1941года и кто кого предал вопрос большой
налицо подкуп членов ФИФА в виде бесплатного проживания...
Думаю, делегация ФИФА не сильно расстроиться, ведь скоро ещё ОИ в Сочи - там и погуляют :Э
Хаха... ;) Еще дип.отношения со Швейцарией порвите;) Что-то в королевстве британском люди мелковаты стали.
Типа, это, был не подкуп? ))))
Скоро Блаттера обвинят в расизме
Ответ RussianKiwi
continued: As for Qatar. Well that’s just a joke and any half sensible football fan around the world would agree that it’s a decision that proves how corrupt FIFA are. They’ve done NOTHING for football, ever. They’re not a football nation, they’ve done nothing to promote the game or help it, they employ slave labour from Pakistan to work on all these amazing buildings they have, and have an appalling human rights record. And this is a place deserving of world’s biggest event in the eyes of “United Nations” FIFA? FIFA were warned about the ‘significant health risk’ involved in hosting it there! It’s a joke. Honestly, if Qatar hadn’t won and one of the countries who’ve actually actively participated and promoted football like the US or Australia had, you may have convinced me of the worth of Russia winning it. In my opinion, the fact Qatar won the other vote proves beyond any doubt that the countries that get to host the World Cup were the ones who offered the most money for votes. Nothing else. FIFA is among the most corrupt governing bodies in the world and I for one, would applaud the likes of England, Australia, USA, Spain/Portugal, Holland, Japan, Korea etc… if they left FIFA and set up their own governing body run by football people (as FIFA was until Joao Havelange came to power in the mid 70s and hired Blatter with the remit to make the game as profitable for FIFA As possible) for football. And why shouldn’t they? Between them they have the biggest TV audiences in the world, and the biggest sponsors, the most fans, the best leagues, and the biggest international influence on development of the game… where would FIFA be without them? Don’t forget, this is the same “United Nations” FIFA that will happily kick out countries from international competition if their governments get involved in sport, but actively seek an arse licking from governments when it’s time to pick a World Cup host. The same FIFA who claim to be democratic but who openly admit that their vice chairman (who has twice been proven to be selling tickets for the final on the black market) controls not only his own vote but the votes of the two other people in his region. The FIFA that claims honesty and transparency yet insists on secret ballots so the world can’t know who voted for whom and why. The FIFA who’s members openly voted for the Holland/Belgium bid to ensure England’s early elimination only to turn their back on Holland/Belgium 10 minutes later to vote for Russia. This is the “United Nations” FIFA that care so much about the world that even in the current economic climate will insist that bidding nations spend tens of millions of dollars putting together proposals that only 3 of their 22 man committee actually bothered to read. They’re corrupt, they’re not fit to run the game, and they’ve sold the World Cup to the two nations that are happiest to line the pockets of the 22 men who make the decisions. We’ll see what happens in the next few years anyway. There’s a reason that Eastern Europe and the Middle East have never held the World Cup and a lot can happen in those regions in 8-12 years.
это не нытье, это грустная правда
Ответ rio
вся эта история лишний раз наглядно показала всю гнилую сущность этого лицемерного народа. это вековые традиции.
ни одна война в мире (более менее крупная) без них не обошлась: везде выступали поджигателями. Нападение Гитлера на СССР-не исключение
что ж вы не уйметесь, жалкие, ничтожные людишки эти саксы
Вот посмотрите что мне прислал один мой обиженный английский коллега по работе.:))) Прям противно читать это нытье. Проигрывать ну совсем не умеют.

“FIFA sees itself not only as a football governing body but as some sort of United Nations”
They’re not the United Nations…they’re the governing body for football and should do what’s best for football. It is not their job or responsibility to dish out the World Cup to aid the development of countries. If you really think this is their motive then why make South Africa (a country far poorer than Russia or Qatar) sign away tax laws so that FIFA could take over $2 billion dollars tax free out of what is, in large part, a third world country? If they cared about the development of countries surely they would’ve obeyed the laws that were already in place and pumped that money back into South Africa? Perhaps they would also have allowed South Africa to build the $70 million stadium in Cape Town they had planned rather than insisting (directly from Blatter) that they build one in Green Point at more than 5 times the cost purely because it overlooks Ellis Island?
As for the dirty campaign run by the British media, it says everything you need to know about how corrupt FIFA are that instead of thanking us for highlighting the level of corruption at the highest end of their organisation, and for showing the world how corrupt the World Cup voting system is, they describe them as “the evil British media” (Blatter’s own words). Evil media? An organisation which continues to try and paint itself as clean describes people as evil for bringing corruption in their organisation to public attention?
England had the best technical bid
England had the best independent report from the company FIFA hired to examine all the bidders
England were the only nation of all competing for both bids to meet FIFA’s revenue generating criteria
England have more programmes in place to help development of the game worldwide than any other bidder
England had the best presentation on the day of the vote
(All of this has been stated by people in FIFA)
So despite all of that Russia was still the best bid? No. They bought it. If FIFA was anything but the corrupt and greedy organisation it is Russia would not have won, over England or Spain/Portugal. FIFA are corrupt and Russia bought the votes they needed.
Ответ rio
вся эта история лишний раз наглядно показала всю гнилую сущность этого лицемерного народа. это вековые традиции.
во во.
я и говорю - черти, самые настоящие.
Англичанка гадит,никогда не умели достойно проигрывать.
Позориться - так по полной программе!
Англичанка гадит,никогда не умели достойно проигрывать.
Ответ polonskaya
а он не против, чтобы вы его публиковали?)
да он об этом не знает:) и по русски не понимает и на спортс.ру не обитает. у него сейчас другая проблема - он реально убит горем по поводу английской заявки и до сих пор занимается нытьем
Ответ Apotamkin
... какие же они жалкие

As for Qatar. Well that’s just a joke and any half sensible football fan around the world would agree that it’s a decision that proves how corrupt FIFA are. They’ve done NOTHING for football, ever. They’re not a football nation, they’ve done nothing to promote the game or help it, they employ slave labour from Pakistan to work on all these amazing buildings they have, and have an appalling human rights record. And this is a place deserving of world’s biggest event in the eyes of “United Nations” FIFA?
FIFA were warned about the ‘significant health risk’ involved in hosting it there! It’s a joke.
Honestly, if Qatar hadn’t won and one of the countries who’ve actually actively participated and promoted football like the US or Australia had, you may have convinced me of the worth of Russia winning it. In my opinion, the fact Qatar won the other vote proves beyond any doubt that the countries that get to host the World Cup were the ones who offered the most money for votes. Nothing else.
FIFA is among the most corrupt governing bodies in the world and I for one, would applaud the likes of England, Australia, USA, Spain/Portugal, Holland, Japan, Korea etc… if they left FIFA and set up their own governing body run by football people (as FIFA was until Joao Havelange came to power in the mid 70s and hired Blatter with the remit to make the game as profitable for FIFA As possible) for football.

And why shouldn’t they? Between them they have the biggest TV audiences in the world, and the biggest sponsors, the most fans, the best leagues, and the biggest international influence on development of the game… where would FIFA be without them?
Don’t forget, this is the same “United Nations” FIFA that will happily kick out countries from international competition if their governments get involved in sport, but actively seek an arse licking from governments when it’s time to pick a World Cup host. The same FIFA who claim to be democratic but who openly admit that their vice chairman (who has twice been proven to be selling tickets for the final on the black market) controls not only his own vote but the votes of the two other people in his region. The FIFA that claims honesty and transparency yet insists on secret ballots so the world can’t know who voted for whom and why. The FIFA who’s members openly voted for the Holland/Belgium bid to ensure England’s early elimination only to turn their back on Holland/Belgium 10 minutes later to vote for Russia. This is the “United Nations” FIFA that care so much about the world that even in the current economic climate will insist that bidding nations spend tens of millions of dollars putting together proposals that only 3 of their 22 man committee actually bothered to read.

They’re corrupt, they’re not fit to run the game, and they’ve sold the World Cup to the two nations that are happiest to line the pockets of the 22 men who make the decisions.
We’ll see what happens in the next few years anyway. There’s a reason that Eastern Europe and the Middle East have never held the World Cup and a lot can happen in those regions in 8-12 years.
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