Короткометражные пытки скаута перед финалом Четрых Евролиги. В ролях Павел Коробков, Дмитрий Кулагин, Сергей Быков, Амайя Вальдеморо, которая так не прошла скаутский тест.
На чьей стороне ТЫ?
Both teams were one step to win the group stage. CSKA longed for rematch, Euroleague surprise team from Malaga has recently elevated its profile and made many specialists follow their success.
Этот материал, про тех, кто вытирает ноги больше и лучше, чем играет в баскетбол. Про тех, кого на паркете вообще не должно быть. Про тех, о ком я в отчетах пишу в графе «слабые стороны» - часто протирает ноги....
Since Mikhail Kulagin is one of the most promising young players in Russia and moreover this summer was signed by CSKA Moscow and invited to help national teams at Universiade 2015 and Euro Basket I try to follow his progress and keep everybody informed.
We can compare for instance only Treviso Euro Camp notes 2014, 2015 respectively.
ALEXANDER GUDUMAK is the great athlete and not the slow one. I’ve heard much of his playing for CSKA second team and a week ago managed to see him live in Nizhny during the VTB game (BC Nizhny Novgorod- BC Red Wings).
Here we try to look at one of the best ROOKIES of Euroleague this season 2014/15 – BC Nizhny Novgorod. Surprise of the year is sure to lure more interest and audience as soon as they made it TOP 16. Their games are in the neighborhood and I can’t miss the chance to scout.
Этот текст про лучшего игрока мира. Да, вы не ошиблись! У кого-то есть сомнения, а у меня нет и ниже я докажу, что Кевина Дюранта не стоит рассматривать как «одного из».
Again one more team tried to beat Real Madrid. To get this spanish club you should be super adaptive, focused and surprising. BC Nizhny Novgorod seemed to be such an opponent. They were too close to do that leading the way. The thing is you can’t just beat Real by their weapon. Anyway- you should keep trying.