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Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia Returns to South Korea

Моносерия  Ламборгини Супер Трофео Азия возвращается в Южную Корею для своего дебюта на Корейской международной трассе в Йонаме на юго-западе страны, где в 2010-2013 проходили этапы ГП Кореи Ф1.  3-4 августа южнокорейские и зарубежные любители автоспорта будут иметь возможность посмотреть сразу две гонки -  в субботу в 17.10 KST (11.10 Msk) и воскресенье в 13.50 KST (7.50 Msk) как вживую на трассе, так и онлайн (youtube. Facebook Live, Naver TV), а также в прямом эфире на сайте https://squadracorse.lamborghini.com.

Ламборгини выступят в рамках Азиатского Карнавала мотоспорта, намеченного на предстоящий уикенд. Помимо соревнования итальянских спорткаров, которое начнется в пятницу с двух свободных заездов, в выходные  можно будет посмотреть корейский кузовной чемпионат SuperRace (ASA 6000) и серию Blancpain GT World Challenge Asia в категориях GT3/GT4. 

Asia Moto Carnival

Korea. (July 31, 2019) – The Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia returns to South Korea as the championship makes its debut at the Korea International Circuit in Yeongam, located in the country’s southwest. Having last raced in Korea in 2013 at Inje, the double-header at the 5.615 km Korea International Circuit marks the penultimate Asian round of this year’s auspicious eighth season, ahead of races in Shanghai and then Jerez de la Frontera for the season finale and the Lamborghini Super Trofeo World Final.

With all four championship titles on offer, expect non-stop action throughout the field as the drivers look to maximise their points haul. Leading the charge in the Pro category are Takashi Kasai and Juuso Puhakka of FFF Racing Team.  A class victory and two overall podiums in two races earlier this month at Fuji has given the young Japanese- Finnish pairing a narrow four-point lead over Gama Racing drivers Evan Chen and Chris van der Drift.  Chen and van der Drift have four Pro victories to their name this season and in Korea the pair will be determined to recapture the Pro category lead.

Pro rivals Puhakka and Chen are both part of the Lamborghini Squadra Corse Young Driver Program, with Pro-Am drivers Richard Muscat and Brendon Leitch also part of the prestigious program for fledging talent.  Having secured their first outright victory together in the second race at Fuji last month, Afiq Yazid, a past participant of the Young Driver Program, and Toshiyuki Ochiai top the Pro-Am standings. But the fiercely competitive category sees the Hojust Racing pair lead by just a whisker as Hong Kong’s Alex Au is just two points behind. The Vincenzo Sospiri Racing driver again teams up with Japan’s Yuki Nemoto as the pair hunt for victory in Korea.

Young New Zealand driver Leitch is third in the Pro-Am category and will once again partner with Italian Massimo Vignali.  Leitch and Vignali’s #7 car will be joined at Leipert Motorsport by the sister #77 car driven by Philip Kadoorie and Dan Wells. Kadoorie and Wells raced together earlier this year in the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Middle East and join the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia for the first time this season in Korea.  Also racing in the Pro Am class are Muscat and fellow Australian Daniel Stutterd at GDL Racing. Huilin Han of T Squared Racing has a 11-point lead in the Am category, with the Chinese driver having scored three consecutive class victories earlier this season. Following a challenging weekend in Fuji, Han will be looking to return to the top step of the Am podium this weekend.

Brothers Sarun and Saravut Sereethoranakul of PSC Motorsports are second behind Han in the Am standings, having scored a podium finish earlier this month in Fuji.  The Sereethoranakul brothers will fly the Thai flag along with True Visions Motorsport driver Bobby Buncharoen. Hong Kong driver Kenneth Lau races in the Am class with Kamlung Racing Team, as does Malaysia’s Zen Low of Aylezo Motorsports.

852 Challengers Paul Wong and Clement Li have a dominant lead in the Lamborghini Cup, with the Hong Kong drivers having taken four class victories so far. Second in the category are yH Racing Team drivers Takamichi Matsuda and Dai Yoshihara of Japan.  The competitive class will also see GDL Racing driver Gabriele Murroni and Kumar Prabakaran of Vincenzo Sospiri Racing, who each compete in a solo effort.

Two free practice sessions on Friday kick off the weekend, before a pair of back-to-back 15-minute qualifying sessions on Saturday, which will determine the grid for Race 1 and 2, respectively. Saturday’s Race 1 is scheduled for 17:10 local time (GMT+9), with Sunday’s second race scheduled for 13:50 local time (GMT+9). Both races can seen around the world via a live stream at https://squadracorse.lamborghini.com/

Source: https://squadracorse.lamborghini.com/news/lamborghini-super-trofeo-asia-returns-south-korea-korea-international-circuit-debut