Explore Automotive Electronics at Korea Electronics Show-2014
On October 14-17 Korea will host biggest annual Electronics good exhibition held jointly by ROK Ministries of trade,industry and energy and science, ICT an future planning. At the exhibition overseas companies-participants will have a great chance to start new business rleationship with the leaders of Korean electronics industry. How to participate: click here.
As the technology develops throughout the world, Korean electronic products have transformed their shapes from a simple product, like a vacuum tube radio, to advanced products, like a mobile phone, IPTV and a semiconductor, writes official show website. The significant development in technology and increased demands of Korean electronic products throughout the world have resulted the rapid increase of the productions of the electronic products; Korean electronics are ranked at the 4th in the world electronics production.
KES has always been walking along with the 51 years history of the Korean electronic industry and the most important threshold to the international markets. In 2014, over 800 companies from more than 20 different countries will participate at the Korea Electronics Show.

The show will be held in 53,541 square meters of exhibition area, the participants will present their major products such as cell phones, multimedia, semiconductors, displays, etc. Also different kinds of convergence solutions will be presented, such as digital kits and digital hospital, wearable computing, and Green IT.
Those presentations about convergence solutions will give CEOs the insight of the future trends of the advanced technology and the global markets. KES is affiliated with major exhibitions in Asia. Having strong connections especially with Asian Pacific IT shows in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, the buyers from North America, Europe, and Middle East tend to schedule every October as an Asian IT show pilgrimage.

KES_2014 Floor plan by Sector Multimedia Home Entertainment Digital TV, LCD/PDP TV, HD TV, Digital Set-top Box(STB), Home Server, Digital VCR, DVD Player, Home, Theater System, Digital Acoustic Equipment, Home Network, Game Platform, and other related products Comm/ Broadcasting Equipment & Terminal Camera-Phone, DMB-Phone, Wireless Equipment & Terminal(TRS/CD/FRS, etc.). Digital Data Switching Equipment, Digital Transmission Equipment, Ground wave/Cable/Satellite Broadcasting Equipment & Terminal, Super High-Speed Communication Network Equipment, and other related products. Home Appliances Home appliances including: Iron, washing machine, drum-type washing machine, radio, vacuum cleaner, electric fan, home gas boiler, air conditioner/heater, low frequency medical device, massage machine, bidet, water softener, air purifier, jade mattress, steamer, electric floor cushion, hot water mattress, electric mattress, foot spa, red ginseng juicer, herbal concoction machine, digital scale, thermometer, sphygmomanometer, glucose meter, hair drier, magic straight perm iron, hair iron, cosmetics refrigerator, infrared lamp, tanning bed, coffee maker, electronic microwave oven, electric rice cooker, oven, electric microwave oven, mixer, blender, dishwasher, dish dryer, wine cellar, freezer, refrigerator, kimchi refrigerator, cold/hot water dispenser, etc. ICT (IT Products & Solutions) PC/ Digital Information Devices PC, PDA, Wireless Information Terminal, Internet Terminal, MP3P, PMP, Digital Voice Reader, Memory Sound Machine, Digital Camera, Printer, Scanner, Bluetooth Products, Home Network, Memory/IC Card, Memory Media, Memory Machine, and other related products Network Computing Products Server, Work Station, Client Terminal, Display, Projector, OA Equipment, LAN/WAN Equipment, IP Equipment, Communication Terminal, CTI System, Network-Connection Device Electronic Components & Devices Industrial Electronic Goods Electronic Measuring & Controlling Equipment, Electronic Medical Equipment & Device, Signal & Controlling Equipment, Industrial Computer & Peripherals, Industrial Robot, Security Equipment, Electronic-Goods Manufacturing/inspection/Transportation Equipment, Testing Equipment, and other related products. Displays LCD,PDP, ED, OED, FE Displays, CRTs, VFDs, Touch Panel, Other Display Devices, and related software, services. Semiconductors MOS(Logic/Micro/Memory), Digital Bipoler, System LSI, Analogue/Optical IC, Sensor, Discrete Devices (Silicone Diode, Power Rectifier, Transistor), Thermistor, Thysitor and other semiconductor devices and related software and services Other Electronic Parts & Materials EMC/Noise-Reducing Parts, SMD, INB, VCO, TCXO, Filter, Optical Pick-Up Module, MR Head & Circuit Parts, Transducer, Optical Devices, Power supplies, High-Frequency Parts, Batteries, Metal Materials, Sintered Soft Materials, Permanent Magnets, Nano Technologies, Bioelectronics-Related Products, sensors ,and other electronic parts and materials IT Convergence New technology Wearable Computer, 3D Displays, Green IT, U-Health, Broadcasting Equipment
Sources: kes.org; eurastech.com; gokea.org.