11 мин.

Samuel Eto’o: I’ve had an offer from Uzbekistan, bigger than the one from Anzhi

The outskirts of Ramenskoye, Moscow Oblast, seem to have never seen so many foreigners coming here. Journalists from CNN, BBC, Guardian, and various Gazzettas arrive to the nearby town of Kratovo, where Anzhi rented a training ground, with a single purpose – to ask Samuel Eto’o, how come did he end up here. I found a reporter from France Football here: munching on a sugar cookie in the dining room, he told me about Eto’o’s reputation in the francophone world: «It’s clear that everyone respects him as he’s one of the best strikers in the world. But he’s quite an artful guy as well. Both on the pitch (look, he doesn’t score with his force but rather with his mind and acumen) and off the pitch. And yes, he loves money. However, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I’m just saying it.»

In Russia, Eto’o always plays the role of a missionary. Walking through the training camp, he smiles to the janitor, flings jokes at other players, and meets me, a totally unacquainted Russian journalist, as if we had spent at least a half of his career together. During the conversation Eto’o often speaks as if preaching to the masses, a quality that could lead him to a future in politics, and a much more successful one than George Weah who failed as a presidential candidate in Liberia. However, the soft polite manner gives way to a certain rigidness in two kinds of situations: if we talk about money (which is why there is no question here about the Cameroonian’s motor pool: it is said to be really huge and no other player in the world has a bigger one), and if you fail to remind him for too long that Samuel Eto’o is a very, very good footballer.

Simple guy

Can you remember the day when you first heard this word – Anzhi?

I can’t remember the exact date, but it was early in the summer. Cameroon had to play a friendly game, and Benoit Angwba told me that the directors of a club from Makhachkala were looking for an opportunity to contact me. «My elder brother», Benoit said. «Could I let them get in touch with you?» I began asking him questions about the club and the people who work there. I’d been playing with Benoit in the national team for a long time, but I didn’t know what team he had been playing for. I just knew it was a Russian team, but I had no idea which one it was. Now it is one of the most famous clubs in the world.

Is it a joke?

Not at all. Anzhi bought one player and are now positioned very differently in the world.

Which player do you mean?


Where did your first meet Suleiman Kerimov?

I can’t tell you that. But I can tell about my first impressions: Kerimov is a very down-to-earth guy. Still, I expected that. People like him, who worked so hard and were able to have whatever they want, they’ve seen everything in their lives, they’ve been everywhere. Therefore, they are very simple.

Are you simple?

Yes, I am. And it surprises others a lot. When people imagine someone, they have a movie inside their heads. But when you meet this man in person, it’s a shock – cause it turns out your movie does not correspond to reality. Many people ask: «Are you making an effort to look like someone you’re not?» No, I’m not pretending. Although many people think I’m just acting like a simple guy rather than actually being one.


Journalists from the world’s top publications visit you in Kratovo almost every week. You told one of them that there’s a widespread misconception about North Caucasus throughout the world. What was your own impression?

Now my impressions are very good! It doesn’t really matter where we reside. It’s important that we see the happy faces. Every time I come to the Caucasus, I see happy people. But when TV shows stories about the region, people who have never been here may get an impression that the life in the Caucasus is all about bombing. Therefore, I’ve been telling foreign journalists that they have no idea what real Caucasus is like.

But you haven’t seen everything there.

I don’t have to see everything. You can’t hide the emotions of so many people. I’ve been visiting the Caucasus for three months, I play a 15,000-seater there, and I never saw anyone whose face tells you he has serious problems in his life. One person can deceive you, fifteen thousand can’t.

In Nalchik, you paid a visit to a seriously ill boy Nadir. Most people who saw that video were truly moved.

My main impression after the meeting was that I should be thankful to God just for being alive. If you’re healthy – you’re lucky. It’s kind of a trite thing to say, but when you see that boy suffering, you understand such things even clearer... He tried to tell me something. Not that he succeeded, but the smile on his face and his happiness are the things that matter most. And I was even happier than he.


You came to your first training at Anzhi in a flasher-equipped car. Were you surprised by such a method of transportation?

Yes, a little bit. But I’d like to explain one important thing: I only did it on one occasion in Russia. And will never do it again. I apologize to those whom I have brought inconvenience. Now I’m very happy with my chauffeur: he knows a thousand ways for a detour, so I don’t need any flashers.

There is a story I can’t believe: rumor has it, you’ve made a trip in the Moscow subway.

You should believe it, it’s true. I’ve really been there and I liked it a lot.

How did you end up there?

I was just curious. Moreover, it’s a rapid kind of transport. The first thing to do for the people who come to Moscow should be a ride in the subway. I don’t know what the stations look like in other countries, but in Moscow... I want to say «Well done!» to the Russian leaders. They keep the subway so clean, that you feel like you’re in a theater down there.

How many people have recognized you there?

One. I deliberately pulled my hat almost down to my nose – recognizing me wasn’t so easy. As a result, only one guy standing right in front of me succeeded in that. He looked at me, then at my interpreter and still didn’t believe it was Eto’o. But then he came closer and he said: «Wow, my friends will go nuts!» He just forgot I’m just a man like everyone else.

When you come to Cameroon, can you travel normally there?

I’ve got bodyguards, just like here. No, not because I’ve had any problems – just in case, just to avoid them.

How many people work for you? I mean, agents, accountants, lawyers, drivers, housekeepers, and so on.

Something around thirty people. Yes, I pay a salary to all of them. But playing football, I’m not only responsible for them. You should take into account that each of them has a family – so it’s much more than thirty people.

Tell us about your relationship with Roger Milla.

He will always be my spiritual father. Unfortunately, during the 2010 World Cup there was an incident, when we criticized each other, and I regret that it happened. But after the tournament I called a press conference and invited Roger there. There was no reason for us not to continue to communicate, so we shook hands with each other.

Some newspapers wrote that you have your own garrison in Cameroon. How is that possible?

It’s more like a battalion. Yes, it exists. I’m an officer, after all.

Have you served in the military or attended a military school?

No, it is more of a honorary title – it’s usually awarded for the merits for the country. Every time I come to Cameroon, I visit this battalion. I also take part in paradeы. When they hold parades, I’m lead the way and march. In military uniform, the way it should be. I can even show you a picture... However, no – you’d better find it by yourself, they’re on the Internet.

As the most famous Cameroonian in the world, can you say you are friends with the president of your country?

For me, he is first and foremost the president and the father of all Cameroonians.

OK, but can you text him, for example?

There are things I can’t reveal.

Female buttocks

The most popular Russian football player Andrey Tikhonov once left an autograph on a woman’s breast. What was the most unexpected place you have put your signature on?

A women’s buttock. The girl was a Barcelona fan. She asked me to sign there, way below her back. Moreover – she then did a tattoo over my signature – so now she has a tattoo of my autograph. Sometimes people respect you and love your work so much that they are ready to do some things like that. She later sent me a picture of her tattoo. When I looked at this picture, I realized football really is a crazy thing.

You look like a man who intends to make a career in politics. Am I right?

No, you’re wrong. I have a great respect for politicians, but it’s not for me. Why? Because there are things I would not bear in that capacity. I can explode and say what I have on my mind. Meanwhile, in politics you don’t always say things that really exist, but rather some things most people want to hear.

When was the last time you flew into a temper?

A couple of weeks ago – in the national team of Cameroon. I can’t say what happened – it’s an internal matter. I also broke the door of Anzhi locker room once... Wait, do you know this story?

No. I only know the one where Gadzhi Gadzhiev broke it.

Then, perhaps, I’d better not tell it.

In early 2009, you got expelled from a training session at Barcelona. The official cause was your excessively aggressive behavior. What happened there?

No, no, I wasn’t overexcited or aggressive. Guardiola just asked me to perform a move on the pitch. He addressed me as a forward. However, being a forward, I considered I couldn’t do it and explained him that it was a wrong decision. Then Guardiola asked me to go to the locker room. But in the end I was right.

How did you find out you were right?

Because Guardiola has never played as a striker – while I spent all my life doing it. Playing as a forward gained me respect in football.

You won everything in football...

Except the World Cup.

Well, and the Ballon d’or. What would you prefer: to win the World Cup or grab the title of the world’s best player?

Most of all I want to win the Champions League with Anzhi.

But it’s unrealistic, isn’t it?

Today – yes, it is. It’s a dream that could become a reality.

Twenty-five million

You don’t like talking about money. Could you at least reveal, how much does this huge attention to your salary bother you?

Let’s not dwell on this issue. I know that someone somewhere is suffering right now or is in need of something. Why waste your time to calculate how much I earn? You’d better use his time to make good things and help people. It’s better to make someone happy than to calculate my salary.

Is it true that the offer from Anzhi wasn’t the biggest of those you’ve had?

It’s true. A club from Uzbekistan offered me €25 million. Some 25 million for 3-4 months of work.

Why didn’t you accept it? You could do a lot of good deeds with this money.

No one should turn around and go back. I once met a man who told me: the most important thing is to make people believe in your ideas. If people believe in them, you will always have your money. When I got the offer I thought about responsibility. My nation looked forward to seeing me at the World Cup held in Africa for the first time, so I thought about rather than those €25 million.