Incheon City, N. Korean Team Hеld Soccer Friendly in China
27 февраля южнокорейский Инчхон Юнайтед уступил в товарищеской встрече северокорейскому клубу "25 апреля" в Гуанчжоу со счетом 2:0. Это- первый матч футбольных клубов двух соседних стран со времен Кубка Лиги чемпионов Азии 2009 года, когда национальные сборные Южной Кореи и КНДР играли в Сеуле.
On February 27th South Korea’s soccer club Incheon United played a friendly with a North Korean soccer team on Febr 27 in China. North Korean club April 25 won 2-0 against Incheon United.
Incheon City said last Wednesday that Incheon United and the North’s April 25 Sport Club will face off in Guangzhou. Ahead of the professional match, a youth soccer team at Gwangseong Middle School affiliated with Incheon United held a match against a youth team under the North’s April 25 Sports Club.

On pic: Incheon United players
Incheon City said it has sought an exhibition game between the two sides’ professional teams since December, and the North recently notified about its decision to hold the match. South Korean Unification Ministry gave approval for the game one day before the game.
Incheon United is a professional Korean football team currently playing in the K League Classic. In 2013 team finished 7th in K-league Classic.
Text/source: @irinamow; KBS world radio, Incheon United site.