I'm not going to provide tons of information about Victor Wanyama as a person or to tell you stories about his perfomance in teenage years, oh no. You can find this stuff on Wikipedia any time you like.
All I want to do is to give you as many reasons as I can to explain why Southampton decided to recruit a 22-year-old Kenyan player from Celtic FC during current transfer window (in the end Southampton have broken their club transfer record to complete Wanyama's signing on a four-year deal for a fee reported to be £12.8m).
Victor used to play attacking midfielder when he was 13 years old. Over the years he began to move towards the central circle and now he's become a defensive midfielder who can also play a centre back. But his offensive skills got even stronger, and to confirm this comes statistics: Wanyama left Glasgow having played for the Hoops 91 times and with 13 goals to his name. He was also crowned as the SPL Young Player of the Year at the end of his last season at Parkhead, during which he made 49 appearances and scored 9 goals. His header in Celtic sensational 2:1 home win over FC Barcelona on 7 November 2012 made Wanyama the first Kenyan to score a goal in the main Champions League tournament. Moreover, Victor was voted the Celtic Young Player of the Year and named in the SPL Team of the Year. Quite impressive, isn't it?
After watching several Victor's games for Celtic FC, I'd like you to pay attention to the strongest points of his display:
1. Height - Kenyan is 188 cm height, so that's not a big deal for him to win air duels and score headers.

2. Strengh - Victor is extremely uncompromising when claiming for ball and tackling.

3. Strike - despite the fact that Wanyama is a left-footed player, his right one won't leave you indifferent too.

4. Passion - a certain amount of recklessness - that's what is in great demand nowadays.

5. Responsibility - Victor became Kenya's captain on 8 June 2013.

To sum up all the points above I leave this compilation of Victor Wanyama's display for Celtic FC.
I think Schneiderlin and Wanyama should play a duet in the upcoming season. If Kenyan can quickly adapt to the Premier League realities, Southampton will soon gain one of the strongest pairs of defensive midfielders in Europe.
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Pavel, being perfectly honest, I don`t believe your offspring ever compete with Russian language blogs from the statistics side, but educational advantage is expected obviously.
Anyway, that`s great idea, good luck with it.
For the most ambitious yappy like part of the audience, move your lazy ass, improve your English!
So you have to offer them some attractive information, something they wouldn`t be able to get anywhere else but from your blog. Put yourself on your subscriber`s position – what would make they come and read, working hard on English?
Do you have the recommendations from the experienced bloggers, what the most demanding thing are?
As for me, I often follow links to check the information posted on the news line and blogs, such as http://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/england/485701.html. The most interesting thing is the reader`s comments bellows the articles. You could provide these unique pieces of information in you blog, keeping comments original in English. For example, “What the British fans think about Roony`s move?” Just open Daily Mail and collect user`s opinions from there. You will find many deep, sophisticated, witty comments, undoubtedly interesting for us.
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With regular analytics, you have no way for promotion. Be realistic.
И хотелось бы видеть автора в комментах.
Структура хорошая, всё по полочкам.
И оформлено хорошо, удачно подобраны фото.
Павел, если будете читать комменты - добавьте меня в друзья, пожалуйста, на какое-то время.
Иначе не могу написать вам в личку сайта.
Или напишите мне на arsenal4today мяу gmail. com
It’s important to gain the experience from other bloggers, of course. But I don’t like the idea of copying the information from available-to-everybody sites. You can read the official information any time you like. As for me, I’d try to give an opportunity to look on the object of an article from the very different angle, and to discuss it then. If I use your idea of providing fan’s comments here, I’d feel myself "a borrower". I think there are many underestimated players in BPL, and here I’ll try to get rid of this injustice.
Blog isn’t challange, it’s a self-expression.