Михаэль Грайс официально завершил карьеру

Вот письмо Михи:
Dear biathlon fans, today I want to tell you a decision which I occupied me for some time and I’ve made final over the weekend at the World Cup in Ostersund: I will finish my athletic career. The individual race at the World Cup kick-off was my last competition.Maybe you ask yourself: “Why now, since last week he said that he is looking forward to the season and is motivated And now this!.” I will explain to you:In competitive sports, you have absolute faith, carry the will and the winning gene. Is no longer the case, one has the power density that prevails today in the biathlon, no chance.The individual race in Ostersund, for me already passed since it had barely begun. Already in the first round, I felt, “hey Michi, what is missing here. And that was very decisive.” It was nothing of the fighting spirit and bite me in there that took me years as an excellent athlete and made me successful. I just felt an emptiness inside me and I realized that here will be my last race. I knew that I have arrived in the home stretch of my career.
For each there comes a time Because of course I had to the difficult final season already dealt with the idea of quitting. As I have in my last blog post but also written, the good performances at the World Championships in Ruhpolding were decisive for another year of races. The summer training was neat. I have changed some things, it was great fun and I qualified for the World Cup team. I am so motivated towards Östersund broken – and then the same in the season opener this feeling …The performance in the individual race at Östersund was not just critical to put the skis and the rifle in the corner. I have in my career even worse races. In competitive sports you are learning learning to deal with challenges and defeats. For every athlete at some point will come a time to withdraw. I’m very happy about the course of my career and the success that I was able to celebrate.
Thanks to all! The level of support throughout the years by the public, my sponsors and partners, but also from the DSV and my employer, the Bundeswehr have made me strong. And not least the support of my family and friends. You all should know that I am happy with the decision I’ve made and I look forward immensely to the new and exciting phase of life!In the coming weeks and months I will intensify my studies (International Management), and things just have time to come only on me. And of course I’ll stay true to the biathlon. Brand ambassador of my sponsor ERDINGER alcoholic and as a blogger for Yahoo! Eurosport You will continue to hear from me. In addition I love biathlon too much. And all the more satisfying it is to see that our team had so successful start to the season and get over the future of the German biathlon so you not have to worry!
Yours Michael Greis

Вот такая среда, начало декабря - уж второй год подряд(((
Но, наверное, это необходимо было сделать... :(