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Причины «резкого прогресса» Франческо Баньяи в 2021 году, по словам Кристиана Габаррини

Francesco Bagnaia entered the MotoGP World Championship in 2019, and last year, with the arrival of the official Ducati team, he improved his results significantly, finishing in second place with several wins and pole positions. The chief mechanic, Christian Gabarrini, pointed out the factors behind this evolution.

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motomatters.com engineer admitted that #63 made very significant progress last season: 'It was very normal for Pekko what he did, the progress he made in three years, but I agree that last year the slope of progress was much cooler. He improved a lot last year compared to the other two

Gabarrini listed the reasons why this is possible in 2021: “First of all, last year he used a completely factory motorcycle, and we are very aware of this. On the other hand, it was his third year in MotoGP. There are a few things to learn, gain experience, fall down, etc. and he has already done that. Then we also know that in the pilot's mind, being on a factory team is what everyone wants and can also help mentally. So I think the combination of these factors has helped make a huge leap forward over the past 12 months. Also don't forget that he had a serious injury that conditioned him a lot."