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Caroline fire yet again his coach

I was already chemistry bad, and when Thomas Högstedt unexpectedly chose to go on holiday, it was the final straw for Wozniacki

First it was adios to Ricardo Sanchez, then Adjö to Thomas Johansson, and now the same message has been conveyed to Thomas Högstedt.

Cooperation between the otherwise reputable Swedish coach and Danish Caroline Wozniacki is over after just over three months.

A cooperation according to Ekstra Bladet information has beaten deep cracks in the recent past with sharp exchanges between coach and player, and a line of communication between those who suddenly died completely.

The latter meant that Caroline Wozniacki last Thursday was without either coach or hittingpartner in Dubai - and without being able to get hold of Högstedt.

- Even before the Australian Open, we knew that the cooperation would hardly hold over time. Caroline enjoyed it, but she was willing to give it one more try.

- Since the communication broke down between them, and he was not quite clear about his plans. Caroline thought he was going to Dubai, and so instead she got to know that he had gone on holiday.

It's an important time in the season for Caroline and I know it frustrated her. It ended up also being the straw that broke the camel's back, says her manager John Tobias of Ekstra Bladet.

- I gave it really a chance, says Caroline Wozniacki from Dubai, where she is these days instead train with his father.

She has already set her sights on a new coach. See who replacing Högstedt in Ekstra Bladet Thursday.
