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АО: Пресс-конференция Светы 21.01.2013

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Q.  When you first got back from your injury, could you imagine you'd be in a quarterfinal of a Grand Slam?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Well, if you would ask me before coming to Australia I would say    I would laugh, definitely, but I wouldn't be so sure about it.I think tournament of Sydney helped me a lot because I had few matches.  I have been working hard, but still I didn't have much time to do what I like to do with my fit necessary condition and everything else.

Q.  But a satisfying win anyway; a quarterfinal.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Yeah, it's amazing.  It's my best result.  I have been two times to quarterfinals, so I'm just kind of replaying that.It's very good result for first tournament, for first Grand Slam, and especially I don't remember when I was in quarters.

Q.  How did it feel to be in the third set of a big Grand Slam quarterfinal again?  I know your toes looked a little sore, but hitting the ball well, feeling good, competing?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I was very happy with the first set, so happy that I stopped to do anything.  Third set we were equal.  I gave my advantage to her, so we were like    even she had a little bit advantage because she took the second set.And third set I just had to fight every ball as I could, try to still dictate, try to do the things what I was doing well.

Q.  You talked about last year having time off.  That was good for you for your mindset.  Why did you never take time off in your career before?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Yeah, I think it's a great question, because I was thinking about it, you know.  But it was my injury.  I maybe wouldn't maybe have maybe balls to take it, you know, because it's quite big decision to do that. Because you never know how you're gonna recover, if you're going to lose matches, if you not.  Here I think it was time to just stop.  My body was not able to hold anymore, and mentally I was not there, as well.So I was thinking before, but I never could definitely decide that.

Q.  The time violation that you got after the second set, did you realize how close you were getting to the time?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Well, it was weird.  I know this new rule about time.  It's weird, because I'm just turning to the guy, and he says, I called time.  I'm like, Oh, yeah?  Really?  So I just had a sip of water.  Then I was just closing the bottle and I was putting it down, and he said, Go.  Time.  So I had the warning. I was like, Why did you warn me if you still were giving me time code violation?  I didn't understand why it happened, because if you say, Oh, I just called time, so give me at least five seconds to move because I had to put bottle back.  I couldn't throw it out.So, yeah, it's a bit weird.

Q.  Obviously didn't upset you, though.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Well, I think I'm mature enough to let these things go.  I was surprised, but I didn't even remember now about this happening there.And especially I was after the break, so I had to do some things which I had to do, water and this.  I didn't have time when I was changing.

Q.  Did you have to tell yourself to go for your shots down 4 3?  There were the two break points there.  Did you have to say, I have the courage to do this or did it just come back naturally?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I think that important moments I had to do what I do the best, and I have done it.  I don't really remember what exactly happened in these points, you know. I'm just going one ball at a time, and whatever point score is, you know, you're just trying to do the best.  And it was very hard because I was serving with the sun.  The sun side was horrible to serve today's match.

Q.  I noticed your tattoo on your arm.  When did you get that?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I have many tattoos.  I don't remember this one when I got.  Maybe one year ago or whatever.  I don't sign a diary about these things.  I just feel wherever it comes.

Q.  It was pretty specific about pain.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Yeah, everybody has specific things in their mind.  Some people do tattoos; some don't.  I think about tattoos, you have the story of your own tattoos.  You can read it, you can think one thing, and I've been doing this for some other reasons.But tattoo is something history of your life, and I believe in it.

Q.  After your knee though?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  No, it was before.  I was looking forward to it already.

Q.  Was there any points after you had the injury last year that you thought you might call it a day and decide to end your tennis career, or did you always think you're going to come back?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Never had a thought of stopping tennis.  I was just laying in bed, and I was like, thanks my knee.  At least I can rest, you know. When the knee was sore I was so annoying to walk with the crutches all day long.  I went to Thailand, I went to Bali, on the beach with crutches, all day long, and I had blisters on my hands. This was the most annoying thing, and then recovery.  But anyway, I had time home and just refresh my mind, and then I just understood that I want to play this game. I mean, I always loved it, but I wanted to have this desire to bring me back; this is what happened.

Q.  The last time you played Victoria was your knee so bad that you really couldn't compete?  Indian Wells last year.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  No, I played Madrid.  You see, I'm something better than you.

Q.  Yes, you are.  (Laughter.)  So the last two times, just talk about playing Victoria then.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  The time I played in Indian Wells was totally disaster.  I got my ass kicked very badly.  I worked a little bit more, and Madrid I think we played three setter. But, I mean, she's tough; she's No. 1; I have nothing to lose; she has all the pressure. I know I got the game to give her some problems, and I will just do my best and just try to enjoy it.

Q.  What do you think about Caroline's game today?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I think she improve from second set.  She changed some things and I was not up to it.  That's why she won second set.In third set, I start to realize, and I didn't want to lose the third set, as well.  I mean, it was very tight match, tight third set, and I was aggressive.  That's I think why I won.

Q.  You have a new clothing deal; is that right?


Q.  When did that happen?


Q.  Here?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  Night before this tournament.  (Smiling.)

Q.  Just talk about how that came about.

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I had offer, and I appreciate Fila.  I have been with Fila for 10 years or more.   They did the best for me.  I appreciate everything they done. But it's time for me to do a new thing, and that's why sign me deal.  And pretty happy looking forward to have a good relationship with the new company, Chinese company.I like so much the quality of the clothes.  I like the design a lot.

Q.  You mentioned earlier doing what you do best.  What is it that you think that you do best on the tennis court?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  How to throw the ball up, to go for the shot.  (Laughter.) No, I can't tell you what exactly I do well.  I play good forehand; serve well.  To be aggressive, this is my main key.But I keep some secrets for me, not everything for you.  (Smiling.)

Q.  Did you notice anything specific that Azarenka was doing last year that was different in the years prior when you were beating her fairly consistently?

SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA:  I think she just got calmer.  She's consistent.  She works differently.  She has different goals, I guess. Yeah, I guess she's just consistent overall.  She improve definitely in many shots. But I think it was her head was letting her down all the time before.  Some moments she always would go crazy in the match.  You would always know. She changed and just became so stable, and, yeah, good hitter.