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Сидней: Пресс-конференция Ли На 08.01.2013

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January 8, 2013

Na Li


N. LI/A. Morita 6‑1, 6‑0

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Tell us what it was like out there today.

NA LI:  Was feeling play on sauna, you know.  Yeah, first changeover I didn't use ice towel.  I was feeling the heat was coming and I was like, What's going on?Next changeover I was like, Okay, I need ice towel every changeover, otherwise, I mean, I don't know how to play on the court.

Q.  Obviously yours was a very quick match.

NA LI:  Yes, so this is good news.  I don't need running more on the court.  So at least I can finish quick match and then cool down a little bit.

Q.  How hard is it to breathe in that hot air?

NA LI:  I mean, how do you say, feeling like you do something in the sauna.  If you sit there you already feeling like hot or something, but you still have to move.  You still have to think about win the point by point.But, I mean, I was happy at least today I played hour so I can finish the match.

Q.  Radwanska said when it's that hot that it's like you're not even thinking, you're just reacting to the ball.

NA LI:  It's tough to thinking, so I try to, how do you say, focus every point.  Sometimes the mind still go somewhere else.  It's too hot.Still, if you on the court you have to thinking otherwise you lose the match.

Q.  She also said it was too hot to play; would you agree?

NA LI:  Who said that?

Q.  Agnieszka.

NA LI:  Oh, it's too hot, but I'm still in the tournament so it's good news.But today is worst for this week, right?

Q.  Yes.

NA LI:  So tomorrow going to be better.  Should be okay.

Q.  Have you played in these conditions before somewhere?

NA LI:  Where I was born in my hometown, yes.  In the summer like 41, 42.  Yeah, but, you know, if you're young you even didn't know it's hot or something.  You just play with the friends.But now I was feeling, I don't know, just feeling like unbelievable.  They say it was 40, but even on the tennis court even more.So, yeah.

Q.  How hot do you think it was on the tennis court with the concrete slab?

NA LI:  I guess?

Q.  Yeah.

NA LI:  I think at least 47.  I feeling.  I don't know.  Maybe it's wrong.  I just guess.

Q.  Can you feel it through your shoes?

NA LI:  Yeah, yeah.  I mean, even didn't finish the match, just finish first set I was feeling my feet already burning.

Q.  When you were young and playing in your hometown it was that hot?

NA LI:  Yep.

Q.  Did the coaches tell you you had to play or did you say...

NA LI:  No, because we training like 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning, and afternoon like 5:00 to 7:00.  So it's getting better.

Q.  So middle of the day you...

NA LI:  Yeah, just rest.

Q.  Do you think that should have happened here as well?  Do you think they should have made the same changes in Sydney as well?

NA LI:  No, today a good schedule.  (Laughter.)No, because you have to follow the tournament.  You couldn't change anything, so you have to used to the conditions, the windy or everything.You have to challenge for yourself as well.

Q.  So you played as a child in very hot weather.  On the tour have you played in these conditions somewhere?

NA LI:  Only Australia I think.

Q.  Only Australia?

NA LI:  Yeah, or sometimes US Open.  But not like Australia like this.

THE MODERATOR:  Cincinnati maybe?

NA LI:  Yeah, Cincinnati maybe.

Q.  What's the hottest match you recall before this one?

NA LI:  You mean this match?

Q.  Before this match what was the hottest you have been on tour in a match?NA LI:  I was like, Okay, don't think too hot.  Don't think too hot.  I was warming up just out of the gym just behind Court 1, I was feel like, How you think about no hot?  It's very hot.  (Smiling.)Yeah.

Q.  But before you had played this match, previous matches, what was the hottest one you had played on tour, do you think?

NA LI:  I think in Cincinnati, because I was play first match, and after match I was win, but I back to hotel I was feeling sick.  I was all time have to go toilet throw out.  I think it's a little bit problem for the body.

Q.  This year?

NA LI:  No, 2010 or 2011.

Q.  Do you remember who you played?

NA LI:  I think Errani or something.

Q.  So that's why it was so long, huh?

NA LI:  Yeah, maybe.

Q.  In a strange way, do you think this possibly will help your Australian Open preparation?  If you go down there you might get a hot day like this and you'll think, Well, I got through last week; whereas other players may not be used to it?NA LI:  For me I like this way, because at least I hit in the heat in a high temperature.  I hit the match, so for me it's very tough to say no match between and come straightaway.But every player is different, so, yeah.

Q.  If it's this hot on some days, will you maybe be in favor of playing a super‑tiebreaker in the third set in singles?  Yes or no?  Do you understand?

THE MODERATOR:  So to play a super‑tiebreak like in doubles.

NA LI:  But I think for tennis it's even over this we have ten‑minute break, so it's okay.

Q.  As long as you get the break it's okay?

NA LI:  Yeah, because at least we have ten‑minute break after one set all.

Q.  What did you do after the match to recover?  Did you do an ice bath?

NA LI:  Not yet.  I just take shower and come here.

Q.  You will do an ice bath?

NA LI:  Yes, I will do later.

Q.  Hot shower?

NA LI:  Hot/cold mix.

Q.  Did you need any medical treatment after the match or was it just hydration?NA LI:  Not yet.  Maybe if I play tiebreak in the third after match I need see the physio straightaway.  (Laughter.)

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports