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Сидней: Пресс-конференция Каро 08.01.2013

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January 8, 2013

Caroline Wozniacki


S. KUZNETSOVA/C. Wozniacki 7‑6, 1‑6, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Heat or form?  Was that a combination of hit or how you're playing?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Can you repeat that because I barely hear what you're saying?

Q.  The result, was it a result of it being so hot or partially on your form?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  You know, I think it's a combination.  I think Svetlana is a good player.  She's a great player.  She's won big tournaments in the past as well, so she knows what it takes.I definitely think the heat break favored her in the end.  She got more energy there and went in and I got a bad start, got broken straightaway.  Then you suddenly have your back against the wall.I had a chance to break her back straight off and I didn't get it.  You're all of a sudden down two‑nil and you really need to fight your way back, and I didn't today.

Q.  Are you a fan of the WTA policy to allow breaks at the end of a second set?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  I don't know.  You know, obviously it was very hot today.  You know, I don't know.  Obviously if you win then you're in favor of it; if you don't, then you're not.I think the rule is as it is and it's equal for everyone.

Q.  Seemed like during the match you were playing really well at times, not so well at times, getting frustrated, you were happy.  Sort of up and down, no?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Yeah, it was a bit up and down.  You know, all of a sudden I played some great points, and then I backed them up with some is not good points and then again.You know, just need to get that consistency back.  It wasn't really there today.  You know, then you try to get the balls ‑‑ just to get the rhythm, and then she goes in a smacks the ball.  There wasn't really, yeah, much time to get rhythm out there.Also, when it's so hot the ball flies a bit more, so you really need to be on top of the ball.

Q.  Svetlana, because of her injury last year, her ranking has really dropped, and therefore, there is a prospect that anyone of you could meet her first round next week in Melbourne.  How will the leading players be thinking about that possibility with her in the draw?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  I think you just take everything as it comes.  Everyone wants to do their best in the Grand Slam and try to win.  No one is easy, you know.So you just need to go out there and play.

Q.  She's playing much better than 72 or whatever her ranking is.

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Yeah, for sure.  She's a top player.  She'll definitely get her ranking up.

Q.  Honestly, confidence‑wise going into Melbourne where you?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  You know, it's no surprise that I only won one match here.  It seems to be the thing for me every year.  (Smiling.)You know, got a few good days of practice, feel like you hit the ball well, and hopefully that can give you the confidence when you go into Melbourne.  I feel I've played some great tennis here, and hopefully I can do that again this year.

Q.  Coming into this season were you happy with the off‑season?  Are you happy with your style right now, or do you feel a little bit in between being the old Caroline, defensive wall, and the newer Caroline, being more aggressive on certain points?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  It was nice going into the off‑season having a good finish to the year and feel like I got my game back on track.  So definitely the off‑season has been going well.  I've done a lot of good fitness work and a lot of things on the court and stayed healthy throughout, so that's been nice.  Just been able to go at it.You know, I believe that if you work hard it will pay off, so that's what I think.  It will.

Q.  Have you played a match where you felt hotter than today?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Yes, I have.  I think last year in the quarterfinals of Australian Open was really hot against Kim.  A few years ago I think like a meter above the court I think it was measured 68 degrees because of the heat coming down on the court and bouncing back up.  So that wasn't very pleasurable.I think this was against Shahar Peer and we played on Margaret Court Arena.  So that was a tough one as well.

Q.  I was out there, and it was hot as hell out there and I was sitting in the shade.  Do you think there comes a time where there should be‑‑ like the cricketers stop playing when it's raining‑‑ do you think there should be a temperature cut off?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Yeah, I think they do have some rules, and I think the Australian also has some rules.  So think when it against over a certain temperature I think they do stop.You know, in Melbourne they have the roof, so they can always close the roof and cool it down a little bit at least on the two big courts.But, yeah, I think that rule is already in play‑ somehow.

Q.  Do you think play should have been postponed today until later tonight even?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  No.  I don't know, it looks like everyone got through their matches fine.  Obviously it's hot, but that's why you work hard, to be able to physically to handle every situation.So, no, I think it was okay to play out there today.

Q.  You've been on tour now a number years.  Are you making the decisions during the matches as to strategy and how you want to play, or when your dad comes on court is he saying, This is what I want you to do and then you try to follow?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Yeah, obviously you have in your head, you know, what you want to go out there and do.  You know basically all the players by now.When my dad comes on the court he sees a few things that he tells me, and obviously you try to incorporate that into the game.But, yeah, I do start feeling old now being on tour for so many years, you know.  All the young ones coming up as well, I definitely start feeling like I'm getting to one of the older ones.

Q.  You talked about needing to get your consistency back.  How does someone like you lose something like that, because it was such a strength of your?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  Obviously in the beginning of the year you just want to start getting the rhythm back.  When you practice, obviously you work on some things and you don't really play points in the same way.It just takes a few matches to get used to that again, knowing, Okay, this is an important moment.  Maybe play it a little bit safer, a meter from the line, don't go for the line.I don't know.  Hopefully it'll just come.  I mean, obviously the last few years it's been the same.  I've gotten a match or two here and been going to Melbourne and I've been doing well there.  Hopefully I can do the same this year.

Q.  Do you feel it's inevitable to be back in the top 5 this year?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI:  You know, it all depends on health and how you play, basically.  I think health is the most important thing.  When I'm healthy, I believe I can get back up there.But, you know, you never know.  Everyone is working hard and everyone wants to be there.  It's not easy, but I believe I can get up there again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports