Тихая гавань: wolf, ram and hart
Накопал тут переписку о Тихой гавани (не спрашивайте, где и как - все секретно!)
Судя по всему, ранее Илона работала над этим:
To: Sports Division, Wolfram & Hart, New York
From: Senior Partners, Wolfram & Hart, CA
RE: Major League Baseball
Ilona, congratulations on your efforts regarding the Major League Baseball steroid policy, specifically regarding Mr. Palmeiro.
Please make sure all paper trails have been eliminated, and that no connection to our agents can be traced.
Perhaps Mr. Palmeiro, along with other prominent athletes, will think twice the next time we offer to represent him during any kind of contract negotiations.
Again, kudos.
--The Senior Partners
Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles, CA
Уверен, она и сейчас работает с Wolfram and Hart - оттуда не уходят даже после смерти (Цитата из еще одного письма: "Failure to comply will, of course, result in termination and possibly unemployment."). Но, что особенно печально, уважаемый Man_ouk также связан с Wolfram and Hart:
TO: Man_ouk, Wolfram & Hart
FROM: Senior Partners, Wolfram & Hart
RE: Quiet harbor episode 55
Manouk, congratulations again on your success in Basel. The package was delivered as expected and on schedule, and your labors will soon bear fruit*. We are most pleased with your performance.
As you may or may not know, another matter has recently come to our attention. We would like your input on this matter, as well as any suggestions you may have in regards to dealing with it. Especially if anyone from your department is already planning such action.
Again, we stress how much we appreciate your discretion with delicate matters such as these.
Please note that a meeting will be scheduled for you with Files and Records next week to discuss your expense report from your Basel trip.
Thank you for your hard work.
--- Senior Partners
Wolfram & Hart, Los Angeles, CA
* Манук, что за package из Базеля? Это же не о Роджере, no?
P.S. Классно!) А что вам еще известно?)
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