1 мин.

Доказательство, что Сальников лжет

Когда спортивные руководители не знают антидопинговые правила и спешат утверждать, результат ясен - ложь.

Случай Ефимовой не закрыт, а продолжает быть открытым. FINA рассмотрит его, когда ВАДА будет готова с исследованиями мельдония. После решения Трибунала федерации, Ефимова может подать апелляцию в CAS.

Пока FINA только отменила временное отстранение Ефимовой от соревнования.

PR 46 - FINA statement on Ms Yulia Efimova (RUS)

Press Releases 2016

FINA Communications Department

FINA today confirmed that the provisional suspension of the Russian swimmer Yulia Efimova has been lifted from May 20, 2016, the news only being released after FINA had first given notification in person to the athlete and respective National Federation.

This news follows a new recommendation from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA ) on this case. WADA is to undertake further scientific research on Meldonium and have therefore recommended to FINA that the suspension of the swimmer should be lifted.

In mid-April, based on the scientific evidence made available by WADA at that time, FINA’s decision had been to maintain the suspension. This was mainly due to the sequence of testing results of Ms Efimova.

All these developments confirm the extreme complexity and sensitivity related to the inclusion of Meldonium in the list of prohibited substances.

Considering all of the above, FINA clarifies that this case is not closed. Following the outcome of WADA's scientific studies and subsequent indication on this matter, the FINA Doping Panel will take a decision. After that, Ms Efimova would be entitled to file an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

FINA would like to underline that the decisions taken on this case have strictly followed the FINA Doping Control Rules as well as specific recommendations from WADA concerning the prohibited substance Meldonium.

