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Berlinger Special AG: Official statement regarding the reported manipulations at the Anti-Doping Laboratory in Sochi


MAY 13, 2016 | MEDIA RELEASE | 

The published article in the New York Times (12th May 2016) is mentioning the exchange of urine in Doping samples and explicitly the high security bottles of the BEREG-KITs.

We therefore clearly state that according to our current knowledge our kits are secure if used according to our users instructions. The kits meet highest product standards and are checked several times before they leave our house. The security system is tested and certified by a neutral, independent laboratory and is specially adopted to the general doping control procedures.

If the statement of Grigory Rodchenkov is correct, the published case shows a professional, from long hand planned, Russian Secret Service involving, criminal act which has implications not only on the security bottles however affects the entire chain of custody and the related operations.

This case is an exceptional situation and as such this needs to be classified. Of course, Berlinger Special AG will provide assistance to support to clarify this case where ever needed.

Andrea Berlinger Schwyter

CEO, President

• This media release was originally published by Berlinger Special AG on 13 May 2016. To access the original, please click here.

NB Berlinger is a Swiss company which produces the self-locking glass bottles used for doping control tests in international competitions, including the Olympics.

