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WADA president Sir Craig Reedie: Drug-testing system can be trusted


PUBLISHED: 06:45 GMT, 6 May 2016 | UPDATED: 06:45 GMT, 6 May 2016

World Anti-Doping Agency president Sir Craig Reedie has told athletes they can trust the drug-testing system despite a spate of problems at anti-doping laboratories.

With the Olympics in Rio now just three months away, laboratories in Beijing, Bloemfontein - the only one in Africa - and Lisbon have had their WADA accreditation suspended.

News of the Portuguese centre's suspension came on the same day WADA revoked the scandal-hit Moscow laboratory's accreditation.

These four laboratories combined to do 15% of all tests conducted by WADA's anti-doping centres in 2014.

Noting the "high level of interest surrounding the recent suspensions", Reedie said they were "a direct result of WADA's strengthened laboratory monitoring process".

"It is for this very reason that clean athletes should have full confidence in the system," the 75-year-old Scot added.

The three suspended laboratories lost their right to test samples because when assessed by WADA they either failed to detect banned substances or they reported false positives, often because of outdated equipment.

Reedie said the Montreal-based organisation would continue to help the suspended laboratories improve their standards so they can return to the anti-doping fight.

But one of his predecessors as WADA president, Dick Pound, has a simpler remedy: get rid of the failing laboratories and concentrate on a few good ones.

Speaking at the Sport Resolutions conference in London, Pound said: "Whether a particular country has a laboratory or not isn't as important as if it's got one within reasonable reach.

"You don't need 30 or more labs - it's far too many.

"I'd rather have 10 really good labs than 35 of them with 25 that aren't very good."

Richard Ings, the former boss of the Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority, agrees.

"They need 10-12 mega labs with cutting-edge equipment, great training and, most critically, the analytical ability to detect all doping substances," said Ings.

"That would also give them the scale to significantly push down the cost per test."

Renee Anne Shirley, the ex-head of Jamaica's Anti-Doping Commission, was less convinced by Reedie's assurance that other WADA-accredited laboratories would be able to fill the breach left by the suspended centres in leading Olympic nations such as China and Russia.

"Where will all the samples that used to be analysed by these labs go? We need to get an idea of flow," said Shirley.

"Do the other labs have the capacity to handle an influx of samples and still maintain rigour and turnaround time?

"So it is not enough to say that everything is OK - the costs are already huge, in particular the shipping costs - and several of the labs still accredited cannot handle some of the more sophisticated tests."

