Tennis star Maria Sharapova admits she failed drug test at Australian Open
Текст обращения Марии:
"Спасибо, что собрались здесь в столь короткое время. Хочу сообщить вам всем, что несколько дней назад я получила письмо от руководства ITF, в котором сообщалось, что во время Открытого первенства Австралии моя допинг-проба дала положительный результат.
Я действительно провалила тест и принимаю полную ответственность за это. В последние десять лет я принимала препарат под названием "Мельдоний", который прописал мне семейный врач. Спустя несколько дней после получения письма, я обнаружила, что у него есть второе название - милдронат, которое включено в список запрещённых для теннисистов лекарств. Об этом я не знала.
Очень важно понимать, что в течение этих десяти лет данный препарат не входил в число запрещённых лекарств. Я принимала его легально. Однако, 1 января правила изменились, о чём я не знала.
У меня сложная история болезней в семье, связанная с диабетом. В течение всей карьеры я старалась оставаться максимально открытой. Принимаю полную ответственность за свои действия, потому что хочу отнестись к происходящему профессионально. Я допустила ужасную ошибку.
Я подвела своих болельщиков и весь спорт. Я играю в теннис с четырёх лет и очень люблю выходить на корт. Надеюсь, что это не станет завершением моей карьеры. Мне бы очень хотелось получить ещё один шанс продолжить профессиональные выступления. Знаю, что многие из вас ожидали от меня объявления о завершении карьеры. Но обещаю, что оно состоится в другом месте. С не таким ужасным ковром.
Это моё тело и я ответственна за то, что сама ввожу в него. Мне некого винить за свои решения. Конечно, участники моей команды мне помогают, но решения принимаю только я.
Препарат называется "Мельдоний". 22 декабря я получила письмо от ITF, в котором содержался список запрещённых лекарств и указания на изменения в перечне. Если честно, я просто не просмотрела этот список.
Второе письмо я получила всего несколько дней назад и обязательно обсужу с представителями ITF эту проблему.
Пока не знаю, когда смогу вернуться на корт. Это будет зависеть от решений Международной федерации тенниса".
Josh Peter, USA TODAY Sports 4:31 p.m. EST March 7, 2016
LOS ANGELES -- Tennis star Maria Sharapova admitted Monday she failed a drug test.
"I take full responsibility for it," she said. "I made a huge mistake. I let my fans down. I let my sport down.
"I don't want to end my career this way. ... I know many of you thought I was retiring. But if I was ever going to announce my retirement it would not be in this downtown Los Angeles hotel with this fairly ugly carpet."
She said the drug's name is Meldonium and had been prescribed by a doctor for a magnesium deficiency and added that there is a family history of diabetes. She said the drug was not on the banned list for the last 10 years but as of Jan. 1 the rules changed. She said she does not know yet how long she will be held out of competition. The test was done at the Australian Open in January.
Meldonium is used therapeutically as an anti-ischemic drug to treat patients with angina and myocardial infarction.
After the press conference, her attorney, John Haggerty, said "a positive drug test could result in a ban of up to four years" from the International Tennis Federation. But he added that "mitigating circumstances can lead to the elimination of a ban altogether. ... We're still determining what we are going to request of them. I've asked them to have a cooperative process."
The ITF posted a statement on its website from the Tennis Anti-Doping Program that included background on the failed test:
"On 26 January 2016, Ms Sharapova provided an anti-doping sample to the TADP in association with her participation in the 2016 Australian Open.
"That sample was analysed by a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited laboratory, which returned a positive for meldonium, which is a prohibited substance under the WADA Code and, therefore also the TADP.
"In accordance with Article 8.1.1 of the TADP, Ms Sharapova was charged on 2 March with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.
"Ms Sharapova has accepted the finding of meldonium in her sample collected on 26 January.
"As meldonium is a non-specified substance under the WADA (and, therefore, TADP) list of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods, Ms Sharapova will be provisionally suspended with effect from 12 March, pending determination of the case."
Last week she announced she was pulling out of the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells because of a left forearm injury. She withdrew from the 2015 U.S. Open because of a right leg injury.
Sharapova, 28, has won five Grand Slam titles, including Wimbledon in 2004, her first Slam title. She ascended to No. 1 in the rankings in 2005 and later achieved a career Grand Slam by winning the U.S. Open in 2006, the Australian Open in 2008 and the French Open in 2012 and 2014.
She has amassed earned almost $37 million in career earnings, second only to Serena Williams, who has earned more than $75 million. But the 6-2, blond-haired Russian has made far more off than court thanks to a slew of lucrative endorsement deals with companies such as Porsche, Tiffany and Tag Heuer.
In 2010, she signed a deal with Nike worth $70 million over eight years.
Sharapova, who also has modeled, has drawn attention for her personal life. She once dated Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine and her other boyfriends included Grigor Dimitrov, the Bulgarian tennis star who also dated Serena Williams, and Sasha Vujačić, a Slovenian basketball player now with the New York Knicks.
Sharapova moved from Russia to the United States with her family age 7 and now lives in Manhattan Beach, Calif.
Sharapova's attorney John Haggerty details failed drug test
In the wake of Maria Sharapova's announcement that she tested positive for a banned substance at the Australian Open on Monday, Jon Wertheim spoke with Sharapova's attorney John Haggerty over the phone shortly after the press conference in Los Angeles.
Sharapova was informed by the ITF that she tested positive for Meldonium, which was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's list of banned substances on Jan. 1, 2016, in an in-competition test at the Australian Open, where she lost to Serena Williams in the quarterfinals on Jan. 26. Sharapova said she has legally been taking the drug for 10 years.
Jon Wertheim: What is the process going forward that isn’t otherwise specified by the ITF?
John Haggerty: The ITF’s site specifies the process—I won’t repeat it to you, that’s it. We are attempting to have a conversation with ITF up front because we think there are laundry list of extremely mitigating circumstances that once taken into consideration would result in a dramatically reducing any sanction that they might want to impose on Maria.
JW: What are you thoughts in general about strict liability in this area?
JH: My client believes that it's something that as a professional athlete its your obligation to know everything that goes into your body, so she has no problem with that standard and has for her entire career lived up to that standard. It was only for these 25 days in January that she had something in her body that was a prohibitive substance.
JW: Do you have any questions about chain of custody?
JH: At Maria’s instruction we have waived the testing of the beta sample.
She’s acknowledged that she was taking mildronate at the time of the Australian Open because she was unaware that it had just been put on the ban list on January 1st.
JW: What else do you want people to know here?
JH: I want people to know that for 10 years Maria took this substance, which was recommended to her by her doctor after he did an extensive battery of tests to determine what medical conditions were causing her to be sick on a frequent basis. He found that she had abnormal EKG readings, that she had some diabetes indicators and when he coupled that with a family medical history of those issues, as well as low magnesium and some immune deficiencies, it was his job as her doctor to prescribe or recommend the medication that would help her be healthy.
As it turned out, this was one of them. He checked them all and they were all not on the ban list and she was able to take them. These medications helped her. They brought her back to baseline, they eliminated or reduced some of the medical conditions she was dealing with. So with 10 years she proceeded on and legally and properly took this medication to keep these low-established medical conditions under control. Regrettably, when they added this to the ban list on January 1 of this year, she did not pick that up. So for 25 days out her long career she was not in compliance with the WADA requirements for banned substances.
JW: This drug isn’t approved by the FDA, as I understand it. Are you at liberty to give us information about how it was acquired? Was it an overseas prescription?
JH: I’m not at liberty to talk about that because of the ITF process and the confidentiality involved about sharing her medical information, so I can’t go beyond what we discussed at that point.
JW: Have you ever had a case like this before?
JH: Yes, we’ve been involved in these types of matters before. Not one where a person like Maria has said I took it and let’s get right to it like this. But I think that goes to show how strong of integrity she has as a human being.
JW: She had mentioned she started to take this in 2006, 10 years ago. Is that systematic? I don’t much about how often this is prescribed or what the nature of the consumption is. Is this periodic or steady?
JH: She took it on a regular basis as recommended by her doctor. He told her what to take and when to take it, and then continued to test her and confirm that it was giving her the desired improved medical condition.
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