БОЛЕЕМ! 28-го декабря 2015 года
Здесь будем болеть сегодня, 28-го декабря 2015 года.

Турниры сегодня:
$25,000 PUNE, IND 21 Dec - 27 Dec 2015
$25,000 BANGKOK, THA 21 Dec - 27 Dec 2015
$10,000 HONG KONG, HKG 21 Dec - 27 Dec 2015
$10,000 ANTALYA, TUR 21 Dec - 27 Dec 2015
Онлайн счет:

- квала 31-го декабря
- основы 01-го января
- квала 01-го января, после 19:00 часов по местному времени
- основы 02-го января, после 14:00 часов по местному времени

Китайские стримы:
Стрим кортов академии Боллетьери:
Показывают 15 кортов
Стримы БУДУТ сегодня.
Roland Garros TV courts (besides the main ones): 4-5-8-10-11-14-16-17
US Open 11 ТВ кортов - центральный, Армстронг, Грандстэнд, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 17
Время Московское:
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Надевая бикини, женщины оголяют 90% тела. К счастью, мужчины настолько учтивы, что смотрят лишь на оставшиеся 10%.
"I’m not dieting!" Marion Bartoli interviewed by @sophiedorgan in today’s l’Équipe.
In less than a year, you’ve transformed yourself physically. What got into you?
"Nothing got into me at all (laughs)! That’s what people don’t understand. I’m not dieting. I’m fine. I’m not thin. I’m muscled and fit. It’s not as if I was eating anything and everything and then suddenly decided to eat healthily. No! I’ve always paid attention to my diet, I’ve always eaten healthily and I’ve never drunk alcohol etc."
You didn’t tell yourself: I have to lose weight?
"Never! I think with all the stress of tennis, preparing for my competitions (Central Saint Martins, London School of Fashion and Design), I’d accumulated a lot of tension. I was retaining a lot of stuff. I started getting thinner bit by bit, first of all because I’d lost a lot of muscle mass. I started up again with with light activity - yoga, Pilates. But I had this latent competition stress.When I passed, I had this "oof" (she mimes a release). I told myself I could do things other than tennis. Something was lifted. After that, I buried myself in my work. When I’m buried in my work, I don’t eat three chocolate tartes every day. It’s a very constant rhythm and I must be using a lot of calories because I’m moving all the time."
But you were training like crazy and you didn’t have that weight.
"Yes, but I was training using a lot of weight lifting, very heavy weights; my training was adapted to a high-level professional player. Today I have crazy days, but I’m not lifting 230 kg. like I used to. My muscle mass of necessity lessened and it’s more harmonious. When you do heavy weight training, you need protein to recuperate, eat a steak, pasta, something to maintain your body. Now I’ve re-balanced, I’m aware that I don’t need to eat a 250 gram steak - I have a soup or a salad with some fish. Before, everything was balanced for sport competition. Now it’s balanced for my new life."
When you played, you never wanted to be thinner?
"No, I was trying to be productive in relation to my sport. I was trying to find out why I was slower than a Radwanska on a right-left or why I was hitting with less power than an Azarenka. I was trying to analyse the competition and understand what I could do to improve my game. It wasn’t related to weight. It was questions like: ’Will my bio-metric performance be better if I weighed two kilos less?’ It was research into extreme performance. With my dad, we were set up like a mini laboratory, we tested until we found the exercise that would improve me on court. We didn’t count the hours and I’ve kept that. When I’m creating, even if it’s not working, I stay with it."
What do you say to those who think you’re anorexic?
"When you look at me, you can’t say: she’s not well, she’s anorexic, her parents don’t give her enough to eat (laughs). That theory would only hold if I was obsessed by that. Today, it’s everything but that. I’m obsessed by my creations and they need to be successful. If I’d really wanted to diet, I would have stayed home weighing every single bit of food, not being able to do anything else. When that happens, the body is so nourished by nothing that it burns nothing. Without food, you can’t progress. I wouldn’t be able to have the sort of days I have if I weren’t in shape. My weight’s stabilised in the last month at a certain weight and if I put on 3 kg, I won’t die, I’ll be just as happy (laughs). On the other hand, if my next collection fails, there ... (laughs)."
It happened quickly, it may seem worrying.
"Right. But I’m full of energy, so I burn calories. I have a very active life. Before, my weight was accentuated by a large muscle structure and adapted to my aim of winning a Slam."
You hear endless talk about this physical metamorphosis.
"Yes, but when I played tennis, they talked endlessly about my father. People will always talk. Me, I just move on, it doesn’t matter to me."
In your new life, is your goal to get the same feeling you got when you won Wimbledon 2013?
"Yes, I don’t know how that will show itself concretely in fashion. It’s less definable than sport. My Slam was like my first show."
You can’t live without goals?
"If I didn’t have goals, I would be very unhappy. I have my dream life now, my second dream life. I had my dream life when I played tennis with its ups and downs. I have my dream life now, too."
When we see you so fit, we wonder when you’ll start playing tennis again.
"(Laughs) I’m not fit at all to play tennis. To play at a very high level with my two-handed game, it’s a power game with a short backswing, and I had to put weight into the ball. If I weigh two-and-a-half grams, I put nothing into the ball. I wouldn’t have had the same career with my present weight. Today, it’s an absolute joy to be on court. I have fun, it’s a childish joy."
Christopher Levy @tennis_shots 1h1 hour ago
"If I weigh two-and-a-half grams, I put nothing into the ball. I wouldn’t have had the same career with my present weight."
Margie McDonald @MadgetheBadge
Things hotting up @TennisAustralia season. @vika7 arrives Bris today; @MariaSharapova on Wed; @rogerfederer on Sat. Great talent; can’t wait
- квала 31-го декабря
- основы 01-го января
Marion :
" Before, my weight was accentuated by a large muscle structure and adapted to my aim of winning a Slam."