Maria Sharapova plays down her chances of winning WTA Finals in Singapore
Last Updated: 24/10/15 1:31pm
Maria Sharapova has been quick to cast doubt over her chances of winning the WTA Finals in Singapore after an injury-ravaged second half of the season.
The 28-year-old enjoyed a positive start to her campaign by reaching the Australian Open final, which she lost to Serena Williams, before her regular season effectively ended with a Wimbledon semi-final defeat to the same opponent.
A leg strain ruled Sharapova out of the US Open and she pulled out of her comeback match in Wuhan with a forearm injury last month, opting to return to Europe to convalesce before arriving in Singapore wary of her chances of victory.
"I've done quite a few start and stops in the last four months, that's kind of been the toughest part, but ultimately, I know that a lot of the girls have been fighting for the last few positions in the last few weeks," said Sharapova.
"I've had the luxury by being somewhat consistent in the first half of the year to give myself the opportunity just to heal, knowing I was already in, doing everything I could not having to rush around, seeing if I could play through a tough injury or not.
"So, yeah, that's been helpful, but obviously frustrating not competing."
When Williams opted to skip the Singapore event after ending her season early following her shock Flushing Meadows semi-final loss to Roberta Vinci, the eight-woman tournament was thrown open but Sharapova does not expect to benefit from the American's absence.
"Look, it's a big step for me to be here and feel that I am healthy," added Sharapova, who will compete round robin play in the Red Group alongside Simona Halep, Agnieszka Radwanska and US Open champion Flavia Pennetta.
"It will be a bigger step that I'll be able to compete in those three matches and finish them off healthy. That's my goal," the world number three said.
"Everything else I just have to take the positives out of because I feel I've committed myself to being here and done everything possible.
"If I can stay healthy and work my way through the matches no matter who I'm playing, in this particular situation I have to worry about myself a little bit more than who I'm playing against."
The five-time Grand Slam tournament champion won the WTA Finals for her first and only time back in 2004 but she does not see herself as the player to beat when the tournament begins at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Sunday.
"That's not the way that I think. I don't think it would be fair to myself if I thought that way," she admitted. "I'm one of the eight players. I did something to be in the field. I want to take my opportunity and that's how I see it from my side."
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Другой шаг вперёд, думает Мария, будет возможность сыграть и закончить здоровой групповые матчи. Её цель на этом турнире только эта - сыграть и закончить здоровой эти 3 матчи.
Мария не считает себя фаворитом, она просто одна из 8 теннисисток, которые все имеют шанс завоевать титул ИЧ.
Это уже от меня:
Разумеется можно понять Марию, почему на первом месте она думает о здоровье. Несколько месяцев она тренировалась и не смогла сыграть даже один матч до конца! Всегда появлялись травмы и мешали её играть в теннис. Для любого игрока такая ситуация нежелательная, она влияет плохо и физически, и психологически. И поэтому Мария счастлива, что наконец все это позади, и никак не хочет получить новую травму. Логично поставить себе цель сыграть в турнире и закончить его без травм.
Watch live action from the WTA Finals in Singapore all week on WTA Live powered by TennisTV!
"It’s a tough group. I’ll play Sharapova. I never beat her, but maybe I will have the chance here," Halep, who’s 0-5 against the Russian, said. "I just want to play match by match, though. Everyone is playing tough here in Singapore. We are the best eight players in the world so every match is like a final.
"I have nothing to lose. I have no expectations. I just want to be happy, play my best tennis, try to win matches and fight. It’s the only thing that’s important in this last tournament of the season."
The 0-5 record is deceptive though - Halep did push their last three meetings to three sets.
"I think I have positive thoughts about this match here," the Romanian said. "Of course I can lose it, and I can win it. It’s not very important the result. I just want to play my best against her and to do a better game than in the final of the French Open last year. I know how to play against her now.
"I hope and believe I have my chance against her. I think it’s good timing to face her again."
Третья ракетка мира Мария Шарапова перед стартом на итоговом турнире WTA оценила свои шансы на победу на соревнованиях.
«Мне за последние месяцы не раз довелось возвращаться к работе, а потом прерывать ее. Это было самым сложным моментом, но в то же время многие девочки до последнего даже не знали, сыграют ли здесь. Моя же стабильность в первой половине сезона обеспечила мне роскошь знать заранее, что я сыграю здесь, и дала возможность просто спокойно лечиться, восстанавливаться и без спешки делать все необходимое. Так что, с одной стороны, я могла никуда не торопиться – что хорошо, – но с другой, пропускать турниры, конечно, досадно.
Для меня большая удача – уже быть здесь и быть здоровой. Еще большей удачей будет сыграть все три матча и остаться при этом здоровой. Это моя цель. Из всего остального мне просто нужно будет постараться извлечь позитив, потому что сама возможность сыграть здесь – уже вознаграждение за мои труды. В данной ситуации для меня важнее мое собственное состояние, чем даже то, с кем я играю.
Я не считаю себя фаворитом. Мне не кажется это справедливым по отношению к самой себе. Я одна из восьми участниц. Я кое-что сделала, чтобы заслужить свое место. И сейчас я просто хочу постараться использовать свой шанс», – цитирует чемпионку итогового-2004 Reuters.
Напомним, Шарапова стартует на WTA Finals завтра матчем против Агнешки Радванской. Состав групп и расписание здесь.
Опубликовал Валерия ЛиИсточник — Reuters
"It was definitely quite disappointing to give myself a bit of false hope in Wuhan because I felt like I was feeling quite healthy coming into the tournament," Sharapova said. "The best I can do going into this event is taking care of that injury and working through it and practicing as much as I’ve been able to."
Sharapova’s appearance in Singapore was cemented by her consistent performance during the first half of the season. She’s won two titles, at Brisbane and Rome, and lost in the Australian Open final to Serena Williams.
Sharapova is scheduled to play fifth-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska in Sunday’s night match after top-seeded Simona Halep takes on seventh-seeded Flavia Pennetta in the day match.
This is Sharapova’s eighth career season-ending championships appearance. "(It) makes me feel old," she joked.