Мария — это сила! Шарапова о любви и успехе
Статья о Маше в КОСМОПОЛИТЕН.
Bakulia, большое Вам спасибо за скан статьи!

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Прим.: начало отчета просмотров - 21.04.2014
July 15, 2015
Hi everyone! I always struggle with how much do I reveal about myself, but I think sometimes it’s liberating to be able to come out of my shell, and be simply upfront and honest. I took some time off from social media, because I was going through a difficult personal transition ( some of you noticed my last name changing back again ). After the way it happened, I needed time to catch my breath, and I couldn’t fake, or pretend, I had it all together. I won’t lie, I was broken, empty inside, in a dark place.. I’ve put all my love and trust into something I thought was REAL, but i was dreaming for so long.. Life is not always sunshine and unicorns. I’m not saying I’m perfect, nobody is, and that’s absolutely fine. But it’s important to me that I learn as I grow. Some people will turn their backs on you so easily, even though you didn’t do anything bad to deserve that, and would breathe for them if you could. There’s no need to try and look for the answers why, it only causes more pain.. But even with bad experiences like these, I don’t want to live a bitter and hateful life, and I will always try to cherish the beautiful memories. I choose to look on the bright side. I don’t care if that makes me naive, but I will continue to believe in marriage, love, honesty and loyalty.. Every scar heals with time, and I became a better, stronger person through all this. I feel so grateful and blessed to have the best family and friends, who kept me going and brought me back to life. Through their endless support , I found a way to be happy and laugh again!
I’m positive and excited about what my future has in store for me! I definitely want to stay involved in tennis. I’m happy to share my experiences with up and coming players, which has been a great ride so far! I must say, since I retired, I fell in love with the game all over again. It’s just so different and completely new. I will also be getting back to my online blog very soon.. So please stay tuned :-) And I’m looking forward to getting in touch with all of you again through my social accounts.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great summer!
Вот почему некоторым спортсменам надо иметь менеджера — чтобы такую фигню не постить публично. Она же вроде торгует чем-то... Шмотками, вроде. Из раковины она вылезла, это нужно кому-нибудь?