ИУ: Пресс-конференция Вики после матча против Марии
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March 16, 2015
Victoria Azarenka
M. SHARAPOVA/V. Azarenka 6‑4, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Do you think the 4‑3 game in the first set makes a difference on this match at the end?
Q. Maybe after that?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: No. There was still chances after. I just didn't take any of those today.
So that game was important, but I don't think it was crucial.
Q. What do you think changed in the middle of the match? She went on a bit of a run of games. Was your focus slipping, you think, or she just happened to step up in that stretch?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: I think I just ‑‑I mean, she played ‑‑I think she played well. I have to give her credit. Obviously she's No. 2 in the world for a reason. That's what she showed, just being more consistent in important moments.
I created too many opportunities not to take them. You cannot afford it against a player like Maria. So, you know, to me, that's very disappointing.
I've got to step it up, really, with finishing those games and really taking my chances.
Q. You sound disappointed in your level overall. Are you? What do you think the difference was in the match?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: Yeah, I'm very disappointed with this match just because I had that many opportunities, you know, to turn it around. At 5‑4, as well. You know, I had to take that game.
So I don't think I should be happy with not taking so many chances. But there are also some positive things. I think overall game was pretty high, it was just in the important moments it wasn't there.
Q. Is this a good match in terms of gauging your comeback?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: No, I don't feel it's a comeback. I know I'm sounding a little bit, you know, cold or something, but I'm just really disappointed.
Because when you create opportunities and you don't take them, that's pretty frustrating. So if I felt like I had no chances, I think I would be probably be feeling better.
I just really don't like to be able not to take opportunities.
Q. Do you think that might be a byproduct of being a little rusty or just a bad night?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: I don't really ‑‑I don't really want to find excuses for that. Yeah, I didn't play for a year, and I really need those matches. I haven't played against somebody so high ranked before.
But, still, you know, I felt like I had the opportunities. Once again, you know, I'm just going to keep repeating myself, like a windup toy.
No, it was just disappointing. But I have to accept that. I have to learn from it, I have to move on, and I have to get ready for the next tournament. There is many more tournaments, going to be many more matches, and I just need to step it up.
Q. I think you said the other night that you were looking forward to this match where could you see where you were. Looking in the mirror, is it a little harder to swallow where you thought you were and where you are?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: No, not really. I think having quite a bit of chance against No. 2 player in the world is not a bad place to be at, but I cannot be sitting here and saying, Oh, that's great. I lost a match today. I'm not going to be happy about it.
I'm going to be, you know ‑‑I need to be motivated to get better. If I'm just happy about the matches, there is nothing else to do.
I just need to really learn from it and still find positive things. I think it's just a little too close for me to act and reflect on the match we just finished. I just really need to take my time and look at what worked good, what I need to work on, and just keep practicing, keep playing many, many more matches.
Q. Your coach was saying the other day that you're working really hard at the moment to be more completely be the best can you be. Is it you're more frustrated today you're working so hard and it didn't pay off this night, but it may pay off after?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: Well, you know, working hard is‑‑ I have always been working hard since I was a kid, you know. And sometimes it is frustrating and disappointing that it doesn't work, but it's not discouraging.
You know, tonight is not something I'm going to feel bad about for a long period of time. I will be on the practice court tomorrow and working on what I gotta do.
It's just too close from the match, so I think I have a normal reaction to it.
Q. You say you don't feel like you're on a comeback. Do you feel you're ready to win these sort of tournaments? Do you feel like your game is there to be contending for titles here in Miami and other big tournaments coming back?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: Well, I am definitely on the level to compete. I believe I have a level to win. I need to make it happen. There is no easy road. There is no lucky. There is no something. You've got to go through those matches the more matches I can get.
You know, despite the loss, it was a great opportunity to be back playing at that level with a player who is No. 2. in the world. You know, I need that right now.
Q. After having not played much tennis for such a long period of time how are you holding up physically? Are you able to play full out? If you are feeling 100%, how does that feel after not having played for so long?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: It feels good to be able to just go on the court and not think about anything else, to just to play and compete. For me, that brings a lot of joy, walking on the court.
But, you know, to play matches and practice is so different. You've got to get that match endurance. I had couple of matches in Doha back to back, so that was really good to see where my body is. Body is good. I'm getting stronger and stronger.
I just need to translate what I do very well in practice, I need to translate it more in the matches and bring together.
I still have that puzzle that I haven't finished yet.
Q. How was the first week with Wim and Sascha together overall?
VICTORIA AZARENKA: It's good. We are working hard. I feel good. I enjoy being around them. I feel they can help me a lot and we get along great, so we will just continue working hard because it's just a beginning.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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