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Сингапур: Пресс-конференция Каро после матча против Марии

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October 21, 2014

Caroline Wozniacki


C. WOZNIACKI/M. Sharapova 7‑6, 6‑7, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. With this win and also the win at the US Open, wondering if you think that you have an edge if this match goes to three sets against her? Just physically and mentally seems you've been able to outlast her in these tough, grueling matches. 

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't know. I think Maria is known for being very tough, especially in the third set. I think her record is very impressive in three‑set matches.

I just feel like right now with all the training and running I've been doing I can keep being out there and keep running. I kept thinking to myself out there in the third set, If you're going to get tired now, how are you going to get through this marathon? You better keep going.

I did, and I felt pretty good out there. I felt I could still keep going for a while.

Q. In terms of the second set, the lights, seemed to be some be issues. She was talking a little bit about how they've changed throughout the week. What was your issue with the lights there? You seemed to stop a few times. 

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, one time all of a sudden the light show starts going on. Once that was turned off, then there was two bright lights right in the middle that were all of a sudden turned on; took a couple minutes to turn those off. 

Then when I went over on the other side they were turned on again. I'm like, Really? They're right in the middle and they weren't on from the start, so that was a little strange.

Q. After that line call in the second set, have you ever gotten that angry on the court before? 

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't know. But, I mean, it was a pretty important point. I mean, it was very far out. I thought she was joking when she didn't call that out. I thought‑‑ I mean, obviously I had won the point, and then all of a sudden I look at the umpire and she's like looking at the linesman and the linesman is putting her two hands down like it's good.

I'm like, You got to be kidding me. The ball was literally this far out. It was hard to miss.

Q. At the beginning of the third set your father gave you quite a big pep talk and had a big affect. What did he say and did it have an affect?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't remember. I think he just said, You have to stay aggressive and take the ball on the rise and you have to bend your knees a little more when you serve. You're starting to fall down on your serve a little bit, so you have to reach up for it a little.

Q. And you paid heed to the advice?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Oh, yeah. I tried anyway.

Q. Just back to the poor line call, how do you get back from such anger and disappointment over a point like that? What did you tell yourself just to calm down?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, I've been fighting out there. I think after the first two sets we were out there for two hours and 45 minutes. I'm like, I'm not going to let that ruin my match. I've not been out here for this long to lose.

I have to keep going. If I have to win the game two or three times before I actually win it, then that would be it. 

In the end of the day, I didn't have any more challenges left. Maybe that was my own fault.

Q. On the one hand, winning a match in this fashion could be perceived as draining. In a round robin format to overcome your opponent in this fashion, does that give you momentum going forward?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think the first match is always difficult. You have to find your ground out there. 

I'm just happy to be through. We have a day off tomorrow, which is nice. Just going to recharge, eat a, lot and be ready for my next match.

You know, we work so hard physically, and so we're ready for anything. It would be worse to sit here and have lost after such a tough battle.

I'm happy to have won today. Puts me in a better position than if I would have lost. So there is still two more matches to go. You never know. You have to just keep grinding out there to get through.

Q. You spoke a little bit in jest there about the marathon, the running training. If it does help you, is this something you would maybe do in future years? Would you recommend it to other players?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I probably wouldn't recommend it to other players. It's helped, but I don't think it's something that I want to do every year. 

Running a marathon and doing this much running, it's not easy. I think to do it once while you're playing I think is enough. I think because I find it so exciting and so‑‑ I'm looking forward to running, I think that also keeps me going.

At the same time, it gets me in great shape. To do it year in and year out, I don't think it's possible. Our bodies get a beating already. I don't think it's necessary to do this again while I'm on tour.

Q. Do you remember 2009, WTA, playing Vika. Played almost three hours, all of that. Just talk a little bit about that. What were you thinking at the time? How good was it? Were you too young? All that. So were you actually tired? Because you never get tired. 

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't remember. I think Vika was my first match in the group.

Q. Right. 

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I won that in a tough battle, and then I played Zvonareva in my next match. But I came into the tournament with a hamstring injury. 

Against Zvonareva it was already pulling a little bit in the end of the first set. I think because I had it taped up so tight I started cramping in that leg.

Then after playing that long I started cramping in my whole body. Definitely an experience. It's different circumstances now. I have a day off and I'm feeling in great shape.

I don't have‑ knock on wood‑ any injuries. I'm feeling good. I'm just excited to have won today. It was a tough battle, and it's always great to win a match like this.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports


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