РГ: Пресс-конференция Гарбины после матча против Серены
Серена сказала Гарбине, что если будет играть так, то завоюет титул РГ. Гарбине ответила "Попытаюсь".
Прим.: По-моему ее имя "Гарбине", а не "Гарбин". Но на этом сайте принято "Гарбин Мугуруса-Бланко"
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"I started off quite cold, wasn’t moving my feet enough and just didn’t have a good rhythm," Sharapova said. "Once I got the break back, I started feeling much better about my game, and I was able to hold that until the end of the match.
"You have to follow your path and concentrate on your work and who’s ahead of you and not get worried about what’s going on. Obviously when you go on court you’re aware of a lot of the upsets, not just among the women, but with the men as well. So it’s great to get a win in that type of atmosphere."