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July 2, 2013
Petra Kvitova
K. FLIPKENS/P. Kvitova 4‑6, 6‑3, 6‑4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You seemed to be having problems with your breathing. Seemed to be perspiring a lot. Do you have a touch of flu or something?
PETRA KVITOVA: I'm not sure if it's flu. I got some virus last night. It was quite tricky for me. I was in the beginning of the sick I think and I had a sore throat.Today I was just fighting what I can, but unfortunately it wasn't enough.
Q. Did it affect your stamina?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I felt pretty dizzy and tired and sleepy, so, I mean, for sure didn't help me.But, I mean, I don't do excuse because of this. Kirsten played very well. She did not give me anything free. I tried, but it wasn't enough.
Q. When did that start? Did you feel badly when you woke up today or previously?
PETRA KVITOVA: It was yesterday when I went to sleep. In the morning was a little bit worse with my sore throat.I was feeling a little bit better before the match, but, unfortunately, there wasn't energy then.
Q. 4‑All in the last set, do you think maybe it was an issue of not winning as many matches as you had here before when you won this tournament, the confidence?
PETRA KVITOVA: No, I don't think so. I mean, I played quite good match like all through. I don't think it was about a confident.Yeah, I should win this game. I was up, I think. But I had easy mistakes in the end of this game. It was bad for me.
Q. Did playing under the roof make it any worse?
PETRA KVITOVA: No, I don't think so. I mean, it was good. It was for both of us same, so I didn't think it was worst or better.
Q. Do you feel it was bad luck because you got sick before so you are going to forget this easily, or is it a tough loss for you because there was a big opportunity?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I'm disappointing right now. I just really don't want to excuse because I had some virus.But, yeah, I felt that it's a big chance to be in the semifinal here. I really try to do everything what I can, but I lost.
Q. You've been in a bunch of slam quarterfinals. Did this one feel different because of the other players who weren't here?
PETRA KVITOVA: Maybe a little bit. For sure it was a lot of talking about that I'm the highest seeded player in my half. But, I mean, maybe it's making little bit more pressure, but I used to already.I mean, that's something what I really have to be okay with this. I try it, and unfortunately I didn't make it. I mean, quarterfinal in the Grand Slam so far is for me the best result this year.For now of course I'm quite sad, but I hope that I will be better.
Q. What were you doing particularly well in this tournament that you can kind of use as momentum as we get over to the States, which I know you don't love playing in, but it's a reality?
PETRA KVITOVA: Unfortunately it is. Uhm, I think now I played a few matches here, so I think that it's help me too to have some matches in my bag.I mean, I had a great result last year in America, so I will try to thinking positively over there. But I think that my serve was pretty well all the tournament, especially today.I mean, the play from the basing line [sic] wasn't too bad, too, so I hope that I can find some good things from the game.
Q. Are you planning to go back to Czech and have a rest and training block or...
PETRA KVITOVA: I don't know. I just lost. I mean, I don't thinking about yet, so...
Q. Illness aside today, where would you say your level is now today compared to when you won here two years ago?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I think it's not as high as 2011. For sure I have still some space where I can improve. But I can't say a number in a percentage where I am now.I felt pretty good. I had good matches. That's important for me right now.
Q. Going into the quarterfinal today, did it feel different at all than the quarterfinal in 2011?
PETRA KVITOVA: I'm not remember who I played in the quarterfinal in 2011. Do you?
Q. Pironkova.
PETRA KVITOVA: Oh. Yeah, I think 2011 was, like, I played quite really great matches before this quarterfinal against Pironkova. It was tricky opponent. I remember I fought again and tried to win. I mean, she was tough opponent, as Kirsten today.It was different time. I really can't to compare.
Q. But looking back then, did you feel like you were going into that match with less to lose than maybe today?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think so, for sure.
Q. Is Kirsten playing well enough to perhaps go on and win the whole thing?
PETRA KVITOVA: I mean, she can play well, for sure. I mean, for her was the first time to be in a quarterfinal. I'm quite surprised how she played with this experience even.It will be more about the mentally side, I think. She play really well and she really can surprise someone. But I'm not sure how is it with the mentally side.
Q. All the media are being asked who do we think are going to win. We don't have any idea.
PETRA KVITOVA: Me neither.
Q. Can you make any sense of what's happened to this tournament? Can you explain all these strange results that have happened?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think it's very weird Grand Slam over here. I mean, I really don't know what I want to talk about. I don't have any tip, too.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports