Петкович снялась - травма
Andrea Petkovic @andreapetkovic 6m
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.
Петкович снялась - травма
Andrea Petkovic @andreapetkovic 6m
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.
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Петкович снялась - травма
Andrea Petkovic @andreapetkovic 6m
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.
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Andrea Petkovic @andreapetkovic 6m
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.
Andrea Petkovic @andreapetkovic 6m
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.
You guys, I had to pull out from my match with Caroline because of my right calf. It’s been troubling me for the past days & it got worsethis morning. With the experience I’ve had with injuries in the past year, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to be precautious now.