Доха: Пресс-конференция Марии 14.02.2013
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February 14, 2013
Maria Sharapova
M. SHARAPOVA/K. Zakopalova 6‑3, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Not to bring up the subject again, but how cold and windy and difficult was it out there?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: The conditions are certainly tough. I think in my career I played the windiest match here many years ago, five years ago, and I think it was the first round. It was pretty brutal, you know, but I think it was a three‑setter, as well.But it's one of those days where you almost know that you might not be playing your best tennis. I certainly didn't today. But it's good to get through in those conditions. You know, you have to take it and move on to the next one.There is things I certainly would have loved to do better and keep my concentration, which I didn't in both of the sets, but I was able to close them out in a good way and that was a positive.
Q. As a person, do you have problems being in the mode, Hey, this is just one of those days, just get the win?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It's not always easy to accept, because I always feel like it evens out the level of tennis in a way that it doesn't really matter who you're playing. You know, you might have to play a little bit safer and not as close to the lines.Sometimes any game plan you have goes out of the window just because of the circumstances of how you feel out on the court are so different to maybe even the warmup.So "adjustment" is a big word during these types of days.
Q. In terms of the unforced errors and the double faults, was that the wind or was there something else at play?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, for the serving I thought my percentage was very low. Obviously in those conditions when you're not giving yourself a chance, you know, to hit many first serves, you know, you're always under pressure to have to hit good second serves in these conditions. It's always tough.So that will be really important to regain that percentage. I thought I served quite well the other day.Yeah, unforced errors came when I was up and leading and gave her a few points away. But she's always a really tricky player to play against. I had trouble against her in the past, three‑setter at Roland Garros last year. She can play. I mean, she hits the ball pretty big out there.
Q. Just a follow‑up, but it must have felt good because the second set seemed to be a little bit of a letdown but then you pulled it together and pushed on.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, I did have that letdown, but, I mean, those types of conditions, you know, I was up 4‑3, Love‑40 with her having a few opportunities to get back to 4‑All, and I thought I played those points really well. I made first serves when I had to, and that was really crucial.I'm happy about that part.
Q. It is Valentine's Day. Did you have the occasion of celebrating with the one you love?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, I'm in Doha, so, I mean, my team consists of my coach and my trainer and hitter and my physio. I don't have a love relationship with either one of them, so... (Laughter.)
Q. You didn't receive a message or something?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I received many. I'm very lucky.
Q. You have many lovers?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Maybe. Why not, right? Life's too short.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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