Доха: Пресс-конференция Бартоли 12.02.2013
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February 12, 2013
Marion Bartoli
M. BARTOLI/F. Schiavone 7‑6, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. The first set was tough. The second set you really turned it over. What motivated you?
MARION BARTOLI: Well, yeah, the first set was extremely tough. I think we went 7‑6 in the first for an hour and 20 minutes, which is extremely long for just one set.It was a hard battle. I knew from coming from indoor clay court I wouldn't play my best tennis for the first 30 minutes. She played also, Francesca, really well at the beginning of the match, all credit to her.But I felt I really fought really hard on the court. I didn't show any frustration. I just kept trying and trying, and I think overall we had some great rallies. It was quite an entertaining match, and I had a lot of pressure to play it.
Q. I understand you have made a change in your coach. Your father I guess was your coach for a long time, and now you have brought in another coach. Can you maybe explain a little more about that, the decision and how that's affecting ‑‑have you already picked up some things you're applying on the court?
MARION BARTOLI: I haven't taken any tennis coaches yet. The person who is with me is my physical coach. But, you know, we had a long discussion with my dad, and he was coaching me for more than 20 years. We had some tremendous results together.But I felt maybe at this stage of my career, when I have so much experience, I could maybe try a little bit more my way or differently.But I still love my dad. I still call him right after the match. He was so happy with my performance. I was really happy, too.There is nothing wrong with my dad. It's just I felt that maybe when I'm on the court just by myself I can take more my decision, maybe fight a little more just because I'm really trying my hardest myself. We will see where it takes me.
Q. When was that decision made? Was that a recent decision?
MARION BARTOLI: Yeah. Well, he's not with me since Paris indoors, so it's only two weeks.
Q. I imagine that was a hard decision or a hard conversation to have.
MARION BARTOLI: Well, of course it's a tough decision. I won't say hard. I think tough.But, you know, at some point throughout my career I have been going through some tough decisions. That's what helped me to be where I am right now.
Q. Are you planning to bring a different coach in, or are you going to continue to be like this for the time being?
MARION BARTOLI: We will see. I have been playing so many matches. I have been hitting so many balls that I don't really feel like I can change a lot to my game.Certainly having someone in my box cheering on for me will help me, but it's not really my main focus right now. My main focus is to improve physically. I think today, considering my flu, arriving just yesterday, I can see already the improvement physically. I mean, the way I was moving in the second set and the way I handled all those tough rallies, I was really pleased with that.So that's first my main direction, and then if I feel I need to bring out someone on the court with me, I will do the move, but right now it's not my main priority.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports