АО: Пресс-конференция Ли На 14.01.2013
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Q. Can you talk about your match today, how this feels different from last year's defeat? How does it feel to be back here?
LI NA: I mean, always looking forward to come back, yeah. But I was feeling, I don't know, I was feeling this year the ball is a little bit heavier. So I was feeling a lot ball I can hit the winner but she's come back to the court all the time. I was a little bit surprised.
I don't know. Maybe I hit too slow. (Smiling.) Yeah, the ball was a little bit heavier. But, I mean, pretty good start for the match.
Yeah, more important I pass the first round. So I can think about second round, otherwise, I mean, nothing happen after.
Q. Was it hard playing today? It was quite cold, about 20 degrees, and last week in Sydney it was about 40 degrees one of the days you played.
LI NA: I think last week for me is the worst, because like one day was like 47, next day was 27. It was okay. I be here three days already; every day was the same. I think it was no problem for me.
Q. You have Olga Govortsova next. You played her twice and won both times. Have you got thoughts about the next round?
LI NA: Yeah, the next round I have to think about on Wednesday, not today.
So today just enjoy the winner for the first round, yeah.
Q. What was Carlos' advice today about how to approach the first round of the Grand Slam?
LI NA: I mean, yeah, always tough in first round. You just come to the court 50/50. You never know you can beat her or you can lose her. It's like 50.
Everyone is the same take away racquet against each other. So, yeah, he was tell me before like more important, I wish you can pass first round. I say, Okay, I try to win first round. Yeah. (Smiling.)
Q. Do you feel more confident with him this year?
LI NA: I mean, I was working with him start of last August, so I was feeling pretty good.
I don't know how is he feeling, but looks okay.
Yeah, he was, how you say, he's not only teacher about tennis. Not only about technique. Also about like my mind more stronger on the court.