Мария, Каро, Роджер, Энди - пресс-конференция
Час тому назад была пресс-конференция Марии, Каро, Роджера и Энди.
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"I think we are going to make it a long one because I know how much Andy loves watching women’s tennis," she joked of her match against Sharapova. "I am just wondering whose box you are going to sit in. You said you are going to sit in my box, but I know Maria might be your favorite."
"I am going to sit with McElroy"
"Personally, I am very excited," Roddick said. "It is the most famous arena in the world. You don’t get a lot of firsts any more in tennis. It is going to be really exciting to play there. Hopefully some good tennis, and also I think it is a chance for us to interact with the fans, more so than say the US Open, which is one of the most pressure-filled tournaments of the year, so hopefully we can have some fun and get the fans involved, as well."
"Because it is an exhibition, potentially it is at times a bit more laid back for us, as well, and we really try to make the most of it," Federer said. "We’d like to see as many fans as we can, like Andy mentioned, and on a personal note, it is one of those things you look back in your career and say it was an amazing achievement or feeling to be playing at Madison Square Garden.
"On a personal note, with the history of Madison Square Garden and tennis -- Lendl, McEnroe and all the great legends of the game played there in the past -- it is an opportunity for us to be there, as well, and maybe in the future bring back a big tournament to the Garden," he added.
"It doesn’t count for anything in terms of points, but you are still going out and playing in front of thousands of people, and you are doing what you love, and you are competing," Sharapova said. "And ultimately the reason people go out to see an exhibition is to see how you play the game of tennis, so they do want the competitive side and to see great tennis. But also it gives us a chance to enjoy it a bit more a few days before an epic tournament in Palm Springs. It is a great moment for us."
"I think a lot of the reason the four of us are here is the venue and the prestige of playing at a place like Madison Square Garden," he said. "Normally you have five or six days between tournaments. I played last week, and you aren’t looking to fill those with exhibitions too often. But special circumstances require special decisions, and, for me, it was a pretty easy one."
Шарапова: «Матч с Каро сегодня вечером будет большой проверкой перед вступлением в самую трудную часть теннисного сезона.»
«В этом матче количество очков ничего не значит, но Вы все еще выходите и играете перед тысячами людей, и Вы делаете то, что Вы любите, и Вы соревнуетесь,» Шарапова сказала.
«И в конечном счете люди прийдут сюда,чтобы увидеть демонстрацию как играть в теннис, таким образом они действительно хотят борьбы и хотят увидеть большой теннис. Но также это дает и нам возможность получить удовольствие от игры за несколько дней до эпического турнира в Пальме Спрингс. Это - важный момент для нас.»