Она действительно UNSTOPPABLE! Ее книга уже на первом месте!
Игорь Лукьянов, Вы ошиблись очень много!
Вчера, 12-го апреля, Вы, дорогой Игорь Лукьянов, в посте "Покупают ее так, что автобиография Марии уже на 6-ом месте в ТОП-100 Barnes and Noble" написали:
"Думаю, еще через 2 недели будет вообще на первом!"
Сегодня, 13-го апреля автобиография Марии уже на первом месте!
Будьте точнее с Вашими прогнозами, пожалуйста! Нельзя допускать такие большие ошибки!
Профессор Макларен опубликует свой независимый доклад через месяц и весь мир узнает правду.
At the end of 2010, he left Li to work with Sharapova. At the time, he told me, he was also weighing an offer from a top male player (he wouldn’t give the name). He said his two daughters made the decision for him: “My daughters heard about Maria, what she was doing with fashion, and they said, ‘You’re going with Maria.’”
Sharapova was ranked 18th at the time and was struggling to regain her form after two shoulder surgeries. She and Hogstedt set two simple but very ambitious goals: to get her back to number one, and to see her win another major. In 2012, they checked off both boxes: Sharapova won the French Open, completing a career grand slam, and she reclaimed the number one ranking. For Hogstedt, the three years that he worked with Sharapova was the most fruitful and satisfying collaboration of his coaching career. He said the leeway that Sharapova’s parents and her agent, Max Eisenbud (who also repped Li Na), gave him to tinker with her game and to assemble a first-rate support team was vital to getting her back to the top. But the main ingredient, he said, was Sharapova’s attitude—her willingness to take instruction and to embrace change “A lot of players would have resisted, but the way she commits, the way she follows her team—she’s unbelievable that way,” he said. He admitted that it was tough to move on. “It is not easy after that to coach other players,” he said. “It took some time.”
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