You will be missed...

Серена не смогла пройти мимо всем известной новости о завершении карьеры Лены, и послала сообщение на своем оф.сайте :
"Elena you will be missed. The matches we competed in were always so intense. You helped make me better both on and off the court...
All the best to you Love, and to all your endeavors.
Все-таки ровесницы они, много играли друг с другом и ...ой, да и что говорить, все понятно(
Лену чаще всех в своей книге вспоминала...
2. This is a good a time as any that sometime about Wimbledon you hinted of a story you would relate someday, about Serena and her lack of fussiness about her racket/strings. Really interested to hear that tale.
--Michael Roetzel, Little Rock, Ark.
So I’ve heard two variations of this story, and one of my sources is now getting gunshy. Bear in mind that a few details could be challenged, but it’s a fun story that ultimately reflects well on Serena, so here goes: In 2007, Serena goes to Melbourne with her game in a state of disrepair. She’s lost in tune-ups, she’s out of shape and she’s not happy with her equipment. She talks to a Wilson rep and absently picks up a racket. It turns out this is a prototype that had been created for Federer. Serena holds it in her hand and says, «I like this!» She takes the racket on the practice court and plays well. Not only is it the wrong grip, but it’s been strung for Federer. It’s also a prototype -- i.e. a racket still in development, not mass produced or available in stores. No matter. Serena asked for it to be restrung -- with natural gut; she’s one of the few players who rolls old school and doesn’t mess with the polyester stuff. She wins a match with this new racket. Then another and another and another. Again, she’s using a quasi-racket that had never been tested and she had never used before the tournament. Had she cracked it during a match, she would have had to use different model. As it is, she goes on to win the tournament. Compare this to, say, Agassi, who was so sensitive to equipment that he would sometimes ask to have his sticks restrung during a match if a breeze picked up.
The haters will surely figure out a way to use this to impugn Serena. But I think it says an awful lot about her native ability -- and self-belief -- when she can pick-up a «beater» racket and go on to win a major.
- опубликуй в блоге. помоему, хорошо характеризует талант и характер Серены:)
Спасибо за историю,интересно.Надо подумать)