БОЛЕЕМ! 25-го февраля 2017 года
Здесь будем болеть сегодня, 25-го февраля 2017 года.

Турниры сегодня:
Онлайн счет:
(1) Svitolina v Q
Hibino v Zanevska
Q v Hsieh
Q v (7) Mertens
(4) Peng v Chang
Linette v (wc) Zavatska
Soler-Espinosa v Sorribes Tormo
(wc) Diyas v (5) Duan
(6) Wang v Stojanovic
(wc) Zheng v Zhu
Krunic v Han
Q v (3) Garcia
(8) Buyukakcay v Ozaki
Kozlova v Zhang
Falconi v Q
Q v (2) Suarez Navarro
Китайские стримы:
Стрим кортов академии Боллетьери:
Показывают 15 кортов
Стримы БУДУТ сегодня.
Roland Garros TV courts (besides the main ones): 4-5-8-10-11-14-16-17
US Open 11 ТВ кортов - центральный, Армстронг, Грандстэнд, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 17
Время Московское:
Онлайн счет:http://www.protennislive.com/lshd/main.swf?lang=en&ref=http://www.wtatennis.com
онлайн счет:
онлайн счет:
Есть Онлайн счет для турниров ИТФ:
«На недавнем собрании представителей международных спортивных федераций, созванном ВАДА для разъяснения действий в отношении данных из доклада Макларена, ВАДА признало, что в отчёте комиссии во многих случаях нет достаточных доказательств, чтобы применять санкции к российским спортсменам. Также ВАДА отметило неточности в переводах текстов, использованных в докладе, и попросила сделать более тщательные переводы», — говорится в открытом письме де Кеппера, которое приводит официальный сайт МОК.
Источник: Официальный сайт Международного олимпийского комитета
Q. In December an attractive exhibition was scheduled with Maria Sharapova on a half-grass and half-earth surface. Could not play around his ankles. Can you play?
A. I think so. I would like. It was a shame because I was excited to be held in Madrid on a track so different from the usual. And he did not give me time. Luckily I did not play it because it was a mistake.
Q. Speaking of Sharapova, the Russian returns in April after her positive for Meldonium. How about your return?
A. Let’s see, this question ... The players do not care what it is or is not, nor do I remember Sharapova. I suppose it’s good for the tournaments and the business to play. Everyone is going to be aware of it, it will attract attention and that benefits the tournaments but the tennis players do not care.
По другим вопросам:
Q. A couple of weeks ago the outgoing Ekaterina Bychkova said that one out of ten tennis players was lesbian, who perceived that when she entered the dressing room and some were watching her. Do you also perceive that the percentage is so high?
A. I do not know, I do not think it’s such an exaggeration. I never realized if another aunt is watching me because I’m a little antisocial in the locker room. I do know that there are girls who have other preferences and who like girls but I’ve never felt that pressure to feel watched since I’m in the WTA.
Q. Is it difficult to have real friends in tennis?
A. I mentioned it once in an interview joking with Boris (Izaguirre) who was in jiji plan, haha. And the truth is that they attacked me a lot for those comments. It bothered me a lot if they took it all like that and no one came to ask me. Everyone took it wrong, everyone wrote and spoke, and no one came to ask me so I could explain why that came out. None of those who criticized me came to ask why I said that. It’s not that we hate each other, there are four of them right now, and that’s fine, if I’m going to see them tomorrow, I say hello, and tomorrow hello ....