БОЛЕЕМ! 06-го декабря 2016 года
Здесь будем болеть сегодня, 06-го декабря 2016 года.

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Я иностранец, но не могу терпеть неправду к российским спортсменам, и вообще к спортсменам.
Провел выходные как пешка b2 в 12-ой партии Карлсен - Карякин. Никуда не ходил.
Join me in Puerto Rico on 12/15 when I play @MonicaAce93. Tickets avail here:
Они не только подготовили и подписали петицию до ВАДА, но и выставили ее онлайн, пытаюсь накопить подписи других спортсменов:
Вот оригинальный документ:
Его подписали 83 человек.
Текст такой, что если человек не знает детали, можно подумать он призывает МОК и ВАДА работать лучше для блага спортсменов.
Только когда прочитаете объяснения, понимаете о чем идет речь в действительности:
Newly elected AAC chair Jeff Porter, a two-time Olympian in the 110-meter hurdles, said athletes are deeply dissatisfied with what they view as slow, piecemeal responses by international authorities to the Russian doping scandal that has unfolded over the last two years. He said U.S. track and field athletes wanted to make a statement ahead of what they anticipate will be more evidence of corruption when law professor Richard McLaren releases Part II of his WADA-commissioned independent investigation on Friday.
"These systemic issues can no longer be tolerated," Porter told ESPN.com. He added that many athletes are galvanized to the point where they would contemplate more drastic actions, such as boycotting events. "I am hopeful and optimistic that we won’t need to, but if we need to, I think the athletes are prepared to," Porter said.
The upcoming conclusion to the McLaren report is looming large in the minds of athletes, who wonder if the fourth major set of investigative findings to be issued in the last 13 months will be enough to tip leaders into aggressive action. McLaren’s July findings regarding state-sponsored doping in Russia "fed every conspiracy theory" that athletes normally try to keep from distracting and deflating them, said recently retired U.S. distance runner Lauren Fleshman.
"We give up a lot of personal freedom and allow our privacy to be invaded for drug testing, and we do it on the assumption that it’s being done everywhere else," Fleshman, a two-time national champion in the 5,000-meter event, told ESPN.com.
"It should be [the IOC’s] responsibility to pay for things that are going to keep their brand from public humiliation. Everyone tells us that athletes can make a difference. But we’ve never tested it."
The petition drive took shape after athletes heard a presentation by U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart, who traveled to Orlando at the athletes’ request, Porter said. USADA was among the agencies that participated in the Copenhagen meeting.
Lauryn Williams, one of a handful of athletes to have won medals at both the Summer (2012 gold, 4 x 100 meters) and Winter Games (2014 silver, two-woman bobsled), also signed the petition and said she is outraged that competitions are still being scheduled in Russia.
"They were passing [urine] samples through a hole in the wall and they expect athletes to go back there?" she said, referring to revelations made by former Moscow laboratory director Grigory Rodchenkov about drug-testing sabotage at the 2014 Sochi Games. "Stop backing athletes into a corner. Move the competition and don’t tell me it’s too expensive. That’s bullshit."
Our original hardcopy of this petition includes approximately 80 signatures from elite athletes who met in Orlando, FL, for the USA Track & Field annual convention in December 2016. It has been sent to Sir Craig Reedie, president of WADA. We now wish to push for broader athlete support by creating this online version.
Теперь американские легкоатлеты угрожают то же самое, но уже имея в виду другое - если МОК не забанит Россию.
Вообще, как видите, доклад МакЛарена еще не опубликован, а его уже используют против российских спортсменов.
Другой способ это когда эти звезды просят другие люди по телефону подарить денег для этой цели. И т.д.