Новая и старая версия доклада МакЛарена
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От текста ясно, что это письмо Родченкова.
[IP Un-official Translation]
1. The legacy of the past
Athletics was always on doping programs. In the USSR, it was simply that way,it was control and discipline, scientific development and exchange of experience.However, after the 1988 Seoul appeared the Out of completion control, and soonthe borders opened. Then there are new devices, methods, WADA - and with thehelp of ADAMS controls everything and all - laboratory, athletes, competition, afederation. That is, all were eventually gathered together and began to keeprecords and have virtually global control. Of particular danger are those samplesof urine and blood from the last Olympic Games stored up in the basementstorage laboratory at the University of Lausanne. If you now reanalyzed with thehelp of new instruments Beijing samples - it will be a disaster. For example from1990 -2000- previously oralturinabol could only be determined within 5-7 daysuse, in 2015, the new sensitive instruments can determine it 4-6 months. Neitherthe IAAF or IOC does not want opening of the trial and the subsequent scandals,but the German broadcaster ARD (this Hajo Seppelt, who shot the film aboutRussian athletics, and Florian Bauer) oversees this process. They made (openletter to Bauer Arne Lundqvist, April 2012) on the eve of Olympic Games inLondon now be analyzed samples from the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Thiswas done just in a discriminatory format of 3000 samples, tested samples only100 athletes from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, five positive samples of athletes ...the United States has not been touched at all, in spite of the passage while theinvestigation into the most notorious doping case BALCO!
In general, the origins of this scandal and the film lie in the "working together"Alexander Chebotarev and Melkonov Chargoglyana. A huge array of insiderinformation was issued abroad in 2012-2013. Samara lawyer AlexanderChebotarev, who worked with Pishchalnikova, Kruglyakova, Vinnichenko andIkonnikov and collected a lot of important information. It was he who gave thematerial for scandalous publications in the British press regarding MelkonChargoglyanu (Melkon Charchoglyan), British journalist of Armenian descent.Chebotarev himself does not know English language.
Suggestion: start working with the Lausanne laboratory , Prof Marcel Sozhi is tillworking as director, and is very well related to Russia. He and his fiveemployees worked in the Sochi Winter Olympics, gave a positive interview
about our work. In his laboratory in Lausanne he stores 20,000 samples from theOlympic Games since 2000. According to Beijing (this is the closest and thebiggest threat) - you need to know exactly when to start reanalysis whodetermines the list of samples (sports and disciplines, countries, specific persons)and what types of analysis will be carried out (all methods can not be applied,just not enough urine volume, there remains 20-30 mL total). Prof. M. Sozhi isclose to many functionaries at the IOC and Medical Director Dr. RichardBadzhettu, he is the main actor in the IOC doping and medicine.
- 10 positives in athletics can be obtained, plus 10 in weightlifting. This reanalysisof samples Beijing 2008 samples belong to the IOC.
- Another 10 - 15 positive samples in athletics may arise in the reanalysis ofsamples with the World Championships IAAF Athletics (Helsinki 2005, Osaka in2007, Berlin in 2011), the samples belong to the IAAF and are also stored. Forunknown reasons, in 2012, was conducted sampling of Russian athletes, but heimmediately made three positive results: Kuzyukova Olga and Tatyana Kotova(sample 2005), Tatyana Chernova (2009). Considering the big news on the IAAF(Seppelta film about Russian, Italian race walker Schwarzer, Jamaican sprintersand Kenyan runners), we can expect major problems there.
- For at least another five of Chegin’s walkers will be disqualified for Rio in 2016for the biological passport.
- In 2015 came into force a new version of the World Anti-Doping Code,according to which the WADA may, at its discretion, open any sampleanywhere, including the opening and selection of an aliquot of sample B (asdirected by WADA it made in 2013 with the samples and TomashevaKapachinskaya but the decision of the IAAF did not accept them, citing aviolation of the integrity of the sample vial and without notice to the athlete.
From 2015 already notification is not necessary.).
- In connection with the film, WADA immediately came to Moscow in December2014 for an inspection, it took to Lausanne in 2912 samples and 714 sealed(arrested) boxes to send over. It could happen again, which makes the situationmore unpredictable.
2. Present problems
VFLA has no unified command, divided, President VV Balahnichev cleared outall around him, and now it is impossible to find a replacement. He skillfully usesit, nobody obeying and practicing total lies and misinformation in the press inoperational issues (Mutko). Tatyana Lebedeva, considered as his possiblereplacement, very problematic at the moment, since her tests from 2005 - 2009years may be now be analyzed at any time and it will repeat the fate Kaniskina.
In athletics, from youth to veterans Intense and uninventive doping is still going,and neither athletes nor coaches know how to prepare without it and exercise.Here the film, of course, got to the point. Disqualification of Olympic championsin London in 2012 and the loss of two gold medals - in the women's 3000 meterssteeplechase Yulia Zaripova and walking 50 km Sergei Kirdyapkindisqualification walkers, world champions and medalists Olympics OlgaKaniskina Valeria Borchina, Sergey Bakulin Vladimir Kanaikina (all walking -Cheginskaya this group, 23 in Chegin unqualified student), Tatyana Chernova(heptathlon) - such a collapse has never happened before. But this is not themachinations of the West, Westerners themselves as best they could have tried tosmooth over the situation amicably and confidentially warned Balahnichevmany years, and politely tolerated it, but he even made all the walkers go to theOlympic Games in London. But it was not taken as a warning, and then affects atall, Chegin he verbally agrees , but then he stabbed both injections oferythropoietin to all in a row, and continues. And it continues - in Chegin at leastanother five walkers will be disqualified before Rio.
After he spent a competition December 30, 2014 in Saransk involving disqualifiedLashmanova and Bakulin, and it became known in the West - that is, the threatthat all Saransk walkers will be excluded from the Olympic Games and WorldChampionships for four years. Chegin received a lifetime ban - but he does notcare, he has earned and may lead a quiet life. In Saransk Chegin is completelyinvulnerable, he works together with the Minister of Sports of Mordovia,Vladimir Gavrilovich Kireyev, and their common protector general of the FSBAlexander Bragin, from Mordovia.
What is very annoying to IAAF and WADA - disqualified athletes will still go totraining camp with decorated coaches and masseurs team, involved in thecontrol training, get their equipment and keep the pay in their places such asactive athletes. Because of them all may suffer, all athletics, it is a direct violationof the WADA Code, the disqualified athletes suspended and have to trainthemselves at home.
3. Bleak Future
The hardest part ahead. All Russian walkers may disqualify for four years. Theywill constantly be tested in all possible ways.
Precompetitive testing before the Olympics in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro will not starton the eve of the Games (from the date of opening of the Olympic Village), andfor many months before the Games, from January 2016. Testing by the IOC line,the IAAF and WADA will likely keep gaining momentum. Germanorganizations will be testing - PWC (Alex Kirbihler, Munich) and GQS (MichaelJablonski, Stuttgart). They will replace the loss of confidence in the Swedishcompany IDTM. In practice, this means that on the territory of Russia it will beunpredictable (and this is the basic requirement of the WADA to precompetitive
testing) work two structures, suddenly ready to select a sample from any athleteand send it abroad. That is, RUSADA and FSUE ADC will not be selected andnot receive an analysis of the sample of some of the top athletes (weightliftersand walkers for sure), and the whole experience of a successful Olympics inSochi can not be applied. With the PWC has good contacts and positiveexperience of working together to FIS line.
4. Personalities
Balahnichev - becoming treasurer of the IAAF, just ascended, Knowing theproblem of doping in Russia, Balahnichev put on the counter two great swindlers- Papa Massata Diack (the son of the President of the IAAF Lamine Diack, his sondid everything in his name) and his attorney Habib Cisse. They were simplycollectors of money from all national federations for everything - from theconcealment of doping to the right of the world championships. Balahnichev andNatalia Zhelanovoy meets them in Moscow as a family, Sisse lives in Ukrainewith expensive hotel "interpreters". With them is another scoundrel, Dr PatrickShamash, he was for many years the Medical Director of the IOC, has nowbecome a consultant to the IAAF, all the while promising to solve all problems,but it does not solve anything, but he is still being paid 10 or 15 thousand eurosthrough Alexei Kravtsov, President of the Russian Skating Union. Previously, hewas paid through RUSADA, he even failed to account for the work! Shamashskillfully makes a fool of Balahnicheva, promising to solve the problems with theIOC, WADA and the IAAF, which has long lost its position and promisesZhelanova membership of the commission of the IAAF.
NS Zhelanova poor knowledge of English, but she is the one from Russia gthatoes to all the meeting of the Council of Europe lines, Unesco, etc., from her thereis no information as an analyst and advisor. very weak, not organised, andforgets everything.
Chegin - long lost sense of reality. Snaps even to Mutko! He lives with Kaniskina.If it is serious for him to take, then his whole life - it's a criminal case. He startedstabbing the injection of erythropoietin in dirty Chinese 13-14 year old girls andboys. He boasted that he did in the 50 injections per day in the "preparatoryperiod" without a medical education.
Portugalov - departed from previous turbulent affairs. Can not touch him, lethim go quietly into retirement. Extremely dangerous - if he starts to talk, then itwill be very bad for everyone. Perhaps he has a dossier on everyone andeverything. In general, can go abroad under the guise of treatment, although hishealth is now poor.
What to do…
Much depends on the IAAF. They cannot accept ragged disqualification scheduleof walkers as proposed RUSADA. Although this is a small thing. Leadership ofthe IAAF will be replaced during the World Championship in Beijing in August2015, Lord Sebastian Coe will replace Diack, and it is the Anglo-Saxon traditionthat the whole resolute French speaking gang disperses. Already now it isnecessary to provide a solid candidate for the IAAF from Russia, as Balahnichevis impassable and compromised himself all along the line. The new candidatemust be completely distanced from Balahnichev (VB Zelichenok on this indicatordoes not pass)
The main thing – is that the IAAF does not initiate reanalysis of old samples.After receiving the first positive results, they will not be able to stop, underpublic pressure, and WADA will make them all now be analyzed samples ofRussian athletes. To prevent this, it is necessary to skillfully work with the staff,starting with Thomas Bach and David Homan and ending Marcel Sozhi andThomas Capdevielle. If the IAAF reassures WADA for its IndependentCommission (must complete the investigation until 31 December 2015) nothingalone will not do, no experience, no resources. More precisely, the experience isnegative - WADA commission lost the hearing with FSUE ADC andRodchenkova in Johannesburg in November 2013.
How to prepare for Rio - should be balanced with a full discussion ofrevaluations of the situation and taking into account all the risks. Stepanov andRusanov, the main witnesses against Russia, continue to collect and organizeinformation. They have informants in RUSADA (a lot of laid-off and offended,but continue to communicate with the rest) and in the national team.Another figure to be somehow brought to life, is Andrey Baranov, manager ofLilia Shobukhova. It was he who blew the scandal with money and unleashedIgor Shobukhova (he was not aware of the contract) Melnikov and Balahnichev,Shobukhov all told counsel and information left. This Baranov is still themanager of Russian runners! Russian athletes are at a centralized training, spentbudget funds, are supported in DSP, and in the field - and act on commercialruns in the profit of the company Baranov Empire Athletics Management. Hesupplies anabolic steroids (learned from Kulichenko) and personally to blame forthe disqualification Lyubov Denisova. He collects information and must beexcluded from working with Russian runner.
Andrey Baranov
Country: United States Of America
City: New York
Date of Birth: 08/01/1966
Phone: +1 917 519-6972
SKYPE: Andrey.Baranov.ny
Fax: 212 316 2612
The same situation is uncontrollable in weightlifting. Promise to three Olympicgold medals (the same as it was before the Beijing and London, but there was nogold ..). The use of anabolic steroids is almost year-round, these all bad steroidpassports. Leverage on weightlifting no. Once the pre-Olympic collectors earnPWC / GQS samples - suddenly the whole team, both male and female, will bedestroyed.
Ненормально удалять страницы от уже опубликовано доклада, при том очень важный доклад.
Тот текст, который был основа для очень важных решений МОК, нельзя менять. Это ясно всем, кроме Вам.
«Дважды отстраненный за допинг Джастин Гэтлин едет в Рио, а Елена Исинбаева отстранена. В МОК нет справедливости. Где олимпийское перемирие?» – написал Мазе.
Мне надоело уже объяснять - этот доклад стал основой для очень важных решений МОК, и потом для спортивных федераций. Поэтому его текст нельзя менять. Мандат МакЛарена был продолжен. Когда он закончит свою работу опубликует другой доклад. Но он не имеет право менять тот текст, который уже был опубликован. Никто не имеет такое право, не только он.
Кстати только что ВАДА опубликовала оправдания о том, что опубликовала доклад МакЛарена столь поздно, близко до ОИ и создала многим большие проблемы.
1. Вопрос о запрета российских спортсменов, у которых уже было допинг нарушение очень сложный с юридической точки зрения.
2. То же самое с запретом из-за доклада МакЛарена.
Если суд решит против этих запретов или только против одного из них, это сразу ставить новые вопросы МОК и федерациям.
И в добавок открывает дверь к компенсационным искам, а это самое страшное для МОК и федераций.
Отдельно от этого 3-х членная комиссия МОК будет рассмотреть всех российских спортсменов уже допущены к ОИ и может не допустит некоторые из них.
Ничего еще не решено!
Ждите сюрпризы!
Этот бедлам вадовцев еще против них самих обернется.