We Are Winter от канадской сборной
Основной мыслью промо-роликов является то, что зима для канадцев особенное время. Зима знает их лучше, чем они сами, делает их сильнее и позволяет показать всю свою мощь.
WINTER. It knows us better than we know ourselves. It shapes and forges us into who we are and what we can become. And it knows we can accomplish great things.
WINTER. Is where we take flight, where we find our power, our balance and where we search for the crucial seconds that will lead us to greatness. It was there for our first steps and will be there for our last.
WINTER gets all everything and expects us to give all back
We are Canada, #WEAREWINTER
Во втором ролике был использован фрагмент поэмы "The Winter Spirit" (автор - Helen Fairbairn):
Beneath, his flying footsteps froze the ground;
And with his garments' rustling fell the snow;
His lightest touch made icicles abound;
His breath, as when the keenest north winds blow.
He paused above the river, dull and gray,
Turbid and chafing with a restless pain.
And soon in icy quietness it lay,
Bound, bank to bank, within his Arctic chain.
Ролики очень красивые, "холодные", но после них мне захотелось горячего чая и пару одеял.