Zinetula Bilyaletdinov: Ovechkin and Radulov are complex guys, but so am I

Russian national team head coach Zinetula Bilyaletdinov gave his thoughts on the personal qualities of Russia’s top stars Alexander Ovechkin and Alexander Radulov.

«It seems that one of them will be available for selection after the first round of the Stanley Cup. We will consider everyone, but these are the best players in the NHL. Datsyuk? We will chat to him and make the right decision. He is a top player, very experienced, he knows how to prepare for big tournaments. If he is fit, I think he will come to the World Cup,» Bilyaletdinov stated.

«Ovechkin is playing reasonably well, scoring goals. I hope everything will be OK, he is a fighter, and wants to score and win games. Ovechkin and Radulov are complex personalities, but so am I,» the coach added, speaking to R-Sport.

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