Alexander Radulov: Fans in Moscow are very passive

Salavat Yulaev forward Alexander Radulov answered questions about his motives behind the return to Russia and explained why he isn’t fond of the Moscow arenas.

«You are seen as a total wild child in hockey, does anyone’s opinion matter to you?»

«My dad and my brother, I listen to them. But I still make the final decision.»

«You are one of the KHL’s biggest stars, but many people argue that your fame proves that our league is inferior to the NHL…»

«If someone leaves the NHL, it isn’t necessarily a forced move. There could be other reasons: injuries, differences with the coach or personal problems. I played in America for two years and returned, not because I wasn’t needed, but for my own reasons.»

«What were they? Money?»

«That as well. Salavat Yulaev club made me a great offer, I have to admit.»

«What was it like to move to Ufa after Nashville?»

«It was scary at first, but my worst fears were proven false. It is a very pleasant city – clean, modern. And the locals love hockey. In four years that I spent there I haven’t seen an empty stadium seat once. For me the atmosphere is a crucial part of the game. In Moscow you don’t see that sort of commitment from the fans.»

«Why is that, do you think? Moscow fans don’t like hockey?»

«They don’t like anything! Even football. I don’t know why that is, perhaps they are spoilt,» Radulov told Playboy.

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