Football has changed enormously over the last decade. It has move from a simple game played by average blokes to a worldwide commercial industry. Clubs earn and spend millions without hesitation and try to commercialize any possible sphere of football (from creating video games to TV programmes). In this environment footballers themselves have started to act like Hollywood stars, sometimes even completely neglecting their main duties. In such state of affairs, you try to look back and analyze what the hell has happened that football and players changed significantly. Fortunately for readers, I have an answer - David Beckham has happened!
Before his appearance, players mainly had not worried about haircut or style of clothes. Even jerseys sometimes could be few times bigger than a player actually needed (not saying how ridiculous some of jerseys were). David, in turn, managed to look good even after the hardest games and always looked smart in public. Obviously long before him, footballers wore suits, but Beckham made it a required element of his public appearances.
However, it is not only about style, the way he promoted him-self and how much David worked with media – it was remarkable too. If you try to remember the first “cool” football advertising – Beckham would definitely be there. Besides, it was not only about sport any more: clothes, perfume, beverages – Beckham’s face could be found in any commercial sphere. I still remember that old western Pepsi advertising when he appeared as a cowboy.
At some point, he was more recognizable and better known then some movie stars. For example, if in 2005 you asked a girl who is the best footballer, the answer would be David Beckham (my sister would answer Roberto Carlos though – weird she is!). Moreover, he knew where he was going and it was not spontaneous fame. All his life decisions show us that he desperately wanted it – his choice of wife, his transfer to Real and States then.
The most important thing about Beckham that surrounded by fame, money and achievements he has never stopped to be a professional. Probably, it’s what makes him different from all modern players. David was an outstanding footballer with great mental and physical health. His deliveries had some kind of “control system” like missiles and probably he is one of three best freekickers I have ever seen. In spite of everything, he always stayed a modest familiar person (which deserve the highest respect).
Looking in the modern young players, they disappoint me. They are considering themselves starts after one good season and care more about commercial part of the game forgetting professionalism. David has made a great thing to promote commercialization of football, unfortunately some players copies him wrongly. Commercialization it-self is not a bad thing, while I doesn’t destroy true football spirit.
Some of you can argue that globalizations, internet and social networks have brought not less to this commercialization. True, but it hardly could be possible without a true pioneer and no doubt, David is the first symbol. Finally, we must admire what David Beckham has done to our favorite sport and hope that it will bring it onwards.