их бы с Песьяковым в один состав, Стивен бы так скидывал на Серегу, а тот бы выбил....в какого-нибудь нападающего, ну а там уже гол. красота
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По правилам, кстати, это желтая за неспортивное поведение и свободный удар: There are different circumstances when a player must be cautioned for unsporting behaviour, e.g. if a player: ... uses a deliberate trick while the ball is in play to pass the ball to his own goalkeeper with his head, chest, knee, etc. in order to circumvent the Law, irrespective of whether the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands or not. The offence is committed by the player in attempting to circumvent both the letter and the spirit of Law 12 and play is restarted with an indirect free kick.
По правилам, кстати, это желтая за неспортивное поведение и свободный удар:
There are different circumstances when a player must be cautioned for unsporting behaviour, e.g. if a player:
uses a deliberate trick while the ball is in play to pass the ball to his own goalkeeper with his head, chest, knee, etc. in order to circumvent the Law, irrespective of whether the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands or not. The offence is committed by the player in attempting to circumvent both the letter and the spirit of Law 12 and play is restarted with an indirect free kick.
Не знаю, что минусуют, зашел даже на фифашный сайт проверить - правда. Но странно, много раз подобное видел, ни разу свободный не ставили
There are different circumstances when a player must be cautioned for unsporting behaviour, e.g. if a player:
uses a deliberate trick while the ball is in play to pass the ball to his own goalkeeper with his head, chest, knee, etc. in order to circumvent the Law, irrespective of whether the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands or not. The offence is committed by the player in attempting to circumvent both the letter and the spirit of Law 12 and play is restarted with an indirect free kick.