Andrei Arshavin: I would put myself a ‘satisfactory’ mark for this season

Arsenal attacking midfielder Andrei Arshavin considers his performances this season to be no more than «satisfactory», but hopes for better results next season.

«We should have won the League Cup. I think we just gave it away to the opponents with our own hands. We are still fighting in the Premier League, though our chances are humble. Anyhow, it is hard for me to assess our whole season in general – we had both impressive games and quite unimpressive ones. Speaking of myself, I would put a «three out of five» mark – or «satisfactory». By the way, if I score twice in two last games, I will go equal with my previous year’s goal scoring level», said Arshavin in his interview with Sport-Express.

«There are no ready-made recipes how to make things better next season. Last year I started training individually before the club’s first training session. This year I won’t change anything. And yes, I’m optimistic – tears are no help here».

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