Rubin’s head coach Berdyev close to resignation

According to reports in the Russian media, Rubin Kazan head coach Kurban Berdyev has offered his resignation in a meeting with the club’s board.

Russian site Championat.com claims the 59-year-old is willing to leave the club he has been in charge of for the last 11 years because of a disagreement with new president Dmitry Samarenkin, but the details are unclear. His future may be decided during the board meeting on Tuesday.

According to Sport-Express’s sources, the coach himself initiated the meeting of the club’s executives. The meeting’s main agenda will be the separation of Berdyev’s coaching and administrative duties.

Meanwhile, Sovetsky sport claims that Berdyev’s decision has been caused by the dismissal of the head of Rubin’s youth academy Ivan Danilyants. The newspaper insists that a number of solutions to the crisis will be discussed, including the potential sacking of Berdyev, Samarenkin, or both.

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