Terek – Krasnodar youth teams’ game ends in fight, player beaten inside stadium

The match between the youth teams of the Russian Premier League sides Terek Grozny and FC Krasnodar was aborted due to a fight between the players, according to RIA Novosti.

In the 73rd minute, when the host were trailing 0:3 a brawl between Krasnodar midfielder Yevgeny Chernyshov and Terek midfielder Shamil Ashakhanov erupted. Both players were shown yellow cards. Then Krasnodar’s Spartak Gogniev stepped in into the brawl, receiving a yellow and then a red card.

After that the fans and employees of the arena invade the field and beat Gogniev as well as other players and coaches of Krasnodar, who were forced to take refuge inside the stadium.

Inspector Alexey Rumyantsev decided not to continue the match in Grozny.

According to the information that became available to Sports.ru, Spartak Gogniev was caught and beaten in a room inside the stadium for 15 minutes. He now has a suspected broken rib.

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