Эрнан - скрипач из Аргентины, который потерял вдохновение и мотивацию. В то же время, лучшая фигуристка из России переживает тяжелое время в своей карьере. Что, если они найдут друг друга ночью в Буэнос-Айресе? Смогут ли они преодолеть свои страхи и найти вдохновение!?
Трейлер был представлен во время III-х Юношеских олимпийских игр в Буэнос-Айресе на фестивале спотивного кино FICTS
Оригинальный текст:
So exited to finally show you all the trailer of my upcoming film.Thanks to the Youth Olympic Games for showing my Trailer in one of your screens, and thanks to @buenosairesfictsfestival @fictsfederation FICTS Festival for the Mention of Honor. This Film is about Hernán, a violinist from Argentina (like me) whom lost his inspiration and motivation. Simultaneously, an elite figure skater from Russia has a hard time skating. What if they find each other at night in Buenos Aires? Will they overcome their own fears? Will they finally find inspiration?The film it's calledI N S P I R A T U SAnd it's becoming very important to me, I feel very conected to the characters and I think you will too.The music was originally made for the film by and it is called "Walk Alone". I'm hoping you all like the trailer and wait anxiously for the Film as much as I do.