UFC-100: выплаты бойцам
ц╝е ц нц│ц─, ц⌠ц■оц┴ц■ ц▄ц┴ ц■ец░ец▓ц≤ ц░ц┴ц⌠ц│ц■ц≤ ц⌠ец▓ц≤ёц нц≥ц┼ ц│нц│ц▄ц┴ц боёц≈. ц╥ц▓оц└е бц≥ ц┴ ц■ц│к ц≈ц⌠ё обц⌠ц∙ц└ц┴ц▄ц┴. ц╥оц■ ц ц│ц■о ц┴нц■ец▓ец⌠нц≥е цц┴фц▓ц≥ оц■ Sherdog.com:
UFC 100 Payouts Brock Lesnar -- $400,000 (no win bonus) def. Frank Mir - $45,000 Georges St. Pierre - $400,000 (including $200,000 win bonus) def. Thiago Alves - $60,000 Dan Henderson - $350,000 (including $150,000 win bonus, $100,000 knockout bonus) def. Michael Bisping - $150,000 Jon Fitch -- $90,000 (including $45,000 win bonus) def. Paulo Thiago - $8,000 Yoshihiro Akiyama - $160,000(including $20,000 win bonus, $100,000 fight of night bonus) def. Alan Belcher - $119,000 (including $100,000 fight of night bonus) Mark Coleman - $100,000 (including $50,000 win bonus) def. Stephan Bonnar - $25,000 Jim Miller -- $22,000 (including $11,000 win bonus) def. Mac Danzig -- $20,000 Jon Jones - $18,000(including $9,000 win bonus) def. Jake O′Brien - $13,000 Dong Hyun Kim - $58,000 (including $29,000 win bonus) def. T.J. Grant -- $5,000 Tom Lawlor - $116,000 (including $8,000 win bonus and $100,000 submission bonus) def. CB Dollaway - $14,000 Shannon Gugerty - $10,000(including $5,000 win bonus) def. Matt Grice -- $7,000.
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UFC 100 Payouts
Brock Lesnar -- $400,000 (no win bonus)
def. Frank Mir –- $45,000
Georges St. Pierre –- $400,000 (including $200,000 win bonus)
def. Thiago Alves –- $60,000
Dan Henderson –- $350,000 (including $150,000 win bonus, $100,000 knockout bonus)
def. Michael Bisping –- $150,000
Jon Fitch -- $90,000 (including $45,000 win bonus)
def. Paulo Thiago –- $8,000
Yoshihiro Akiyama –- $160,000(including $20,000 win bonus, $100,000 fight of night bonus)
def. Alan Belcher –- $119,000 (including $100,000 fight of night bonus)
Mark Coleman –- $100,000 (including $50,000 win bonus)
def. Stephan Bonnar –- $25,000
Jim Miller -- $22,000 (including $11,000 win bonus)
def. Mac Danzig -- $20,000
Jon Jones –- $18,000(including $9,000 win bonus)
def. Jake O’Brien –- $13,000
Dong Hyun Kim –- $58,000 (including $29,000 win bonus)
def. T.J. Grant -- $5,000
Tom Lawlor –- $116,000 (including $8,000 win bonus and $100,000 submission bonus)
def. CB Dollaway –- $14,000
Shannon Gugerty –- $10,000(including $5,000 win bonus)
def. Matt Grice -- $7,000.
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