It's All About 18
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- Second half just wanna come out with some minutes, man, uh, [you’ve been in a league] we’ve been known to give up third-quarter leads and the emphasis is to come out with some minutes, you know, that was just energy.
- Energy, you never had a problem with. But let me ask you a question: earlier in a half why you gotta be bumping me like that? I’m trying to do my report and you’re over here and on my back. What was that?
- I didn’t even see you right there, Scal, I swear I was in the zone, you know whatever was there I bumped it and that what it was. I did see a red head, I did see that one.
- [Through] the win tonight, I knew Lamarcus Aldridge had this game circled. They all have your poster until they get to know you and they ripped that thing down. How you make sure you keep them young fellows where they at?
- Well, you know, [hit] the floor, man, there’s no friends. And, you know, I’m a competitor. I like to leave all the other stuff [intangible on the side], but off the floor I’m a decent guy. Uh, and you know, [if you wanna keep it there, keep it there] but for most part we step on the floor [...].
- And he is a decent guy, I will test[ify] it. That’s my man KG, good job boy.
- Good to see you!
Что-то типо этого, что смог расслышать. В квардратных скобка не понял о чём речь была.
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