Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Rajon Rondo were all named to the squad. Joining them were two Atlanta Hawks, Al Horford and Joe Johnson, as well as the Miami Heat’s Chris Bosh.
Если все четверо приедут, это будет повторение рекорда Детройта’04, Бостона ‘53, ‘62, ‘75, Лейкерс ‘62 и ‘98, Сан-Франциско ‘68 и Филадельфии ‘83. Шака, конечно, не хватает...))
Chris Forsberg, ESPN - Rivers said the fun part about getting four stars would not only be playing them together, but figuring out who would be the fifth non-Celtics player on the floor. «There’s some interesting combinations you can throw out there.» So who would his most likely choice be? «Whoever is closest to free agency,» he said with a laugh. «Just to see how it would feel.»
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