Ferrari Challenge Will be Hosted by South Korea for the Second Time in 2014
В августе 2013г. новый автодром Инчже Спидиум, Южная Корея, впервые принял 4-й раунд престижной международной гоночной серии Феррари Челлендж. В 1 гонке победителем стал Филипп Претт, во второй день первое место занял Пейсин Латурас. Южнокорейский пилот Ким Тэк Сун показал хорошую форму и занял 5 и 6 места в 1-й и 2-й гонках соответственно. В 2014 году в Инчже 4-й раунд серии Феррари Челлендж пройдет с 19 по 20 июля. Как туда поехать.
In August 2013 Korea hosted the fourth race of the 2013 Ferrari Challenge Asia Pacific at brand new Inje Speedium track in Ganwondo, South Korea, marking the first time this two-day event has been held in the country and it was deemed a huge success by competitors and fans alike, wrote Grid Motorsport.
In Race 1 on Aug 3rd, Philipp Prette took to the top step of the podium in Trofeo Pirelli. Pasin Lathouras and Alain Li took the 2nd and 3rd place respectively. In Coppa Shell, Gregory Teo took first place. The following day, in Race 2, Pasin Lathouras took 1st place and Alain Li held 2nd place. Meanwhile, Paul Van Loenhout lifted the trophy in Coppa Shell.
In the International Class, Max Blancardi swept to a win in both races.Local driver Tack Sung Kim, who just upgraded his class from the Coppa Shell to the Trofeo Pirelli class this year after the three wins in the Coppa Shell Class, showed advanced driving technique and hold the 5th and 6th place in Race 1 and 2 respectively. Korean celebrity, Jung Hoon (Jeff) Youn in Coppa Shell Class ranked in the 5th place in Race 1 though unfortunately after a minor accident could only manage 13th place in Race 2.

Photo: Driver Jung Hoon Youn, South Korea//
"We expect that [domestic] fan interest will increase, as this is the first time a formal Ferrari racing event has been held in Korea," said a spokesperson for FMK Corp to Grid Motorsport. "We are hoping that this will be an opportunity to share with more of the general public the racing legacy and culture that only the Ferrari brand possesses.
"The 2013 Ferrari Challenge wrapped up in November in Mugello, Italy with the Finali Mondiali, an event that is both the dream of every Ferrari owner and the world's largest Ferrari festival. In 2014 season Ferrari Challenge will be held at Inje Speedium on July 19-20. Tickets info and how to get there.
Ferrari Challenge Asia Pacific 2014 season calendar
23 February Sepang
13 April Sydney
8 June Shanghai
20 July Inje, Korea
14 September Fuji
2 November Sepang
3-6 December Finali Mondiali
Source: Grid Motorsport.